AoS Shorts: Your Essential Guide to Age of Sigmar

Sacrosanct Chamber

This will be the page for all things to do with the Sacrosanct Chamber, the new chamber opened by Sigmar to deal with the growing threat of the Malign Portents.

Check out my Warhammer Fest coverage for all the rest of the previews and my Age of Sigmar Second Edition page for news on the new edition as it breaks.  If you are after something my ghostly, check out the companion Nighthaunt page, or even more magic, check out the Malign Sorcery page.

NB: This page now needs to be updated with release of the battletome.

New Stormcast – The Sacrosanct Chamber opens

The Sacrosanct Chamber has opened and Stormcast will be reinforced by the warrior mages and engineers of the Sacrosanct Chamber.  There are so many great hero models in this chamber (including the previously released Lord-Ordinator) and a lot of new units.  Thanks to the faction focus we have names for:

  • Lord-Arcanum – hero on Acquillor
  • Knight-Incantor – female foot mage
  • Evocators – warrior-mages
  • Sequitors – magic Liberators
  • Castigators – heavy grenade-launching cross-bows
  • Celestar Ballista – lightning bolt-thrower, say no more!

I’ll do a round-up of the as-yet unnamed models below.   There are a lot of cool design features which tie these models together and set them apart from the rest of the Stormcast range.  For instance, each of the heroes carry a crystal vial.

Also, really can’t wait to see the model for this big winged beastie 🙂

Sacrosanct Chamber

Sacrosanct Chamber

Sacrosanct Chamber

Sacrosanct Chamber – Lore and Background

Warhammer Community covered the new design and asethetic of the Sacrosanct Chamber in an article.  The key bits for me were:

Designing the Sacrosanct Chamber gave the miniatures team a chance to further develop the mythology and world of the Stormcast Eternals. Each warrior of the chamber is designed to be more than just a foot soldier, but someone with a role in the reforging of Stormcast Eternals. The Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-charger, for example, is tasked with chasing down those souls that escape the Anvil of Apotheosis, while the Sacristan Engineers manning the Celestar Ballista carry a range of equipment that looks as if it has a purpose outside of just warfare. The Lord-Ordinator – released during Malign Portents – is the perfect example of this, as much an architect and builder as he is a destroyer.

Every single unit has a unique anvil denoting its place in the chamber – from the hammer-and-anvil on the belt of the Sacristan Engineers to the lightning-bolt design on the Sequitors.

How do you make every model in an army a Wizard without things getting really silly, really quickly? The solution for the rules writers was giving each unit in the Sacrosanct Chamber magical powers, without necessarily making them a spellcaster. For Sequitors and Castigators, this is represented by Aetheric Channeling, where models can choose to “switch modes” using magical energy. Castigators, for instance, can choose to be more accurate, or more powerful.

Meanwhile, their presence on the battlefield raises a key question – if they’re here, then who is guarding the Anvil of Apotheosis? And what flaws in the reforging might arise without their careful stewardship? Only time will tell…”

Lord-Arcanum – new mage-lord on Acquillor

Commanders of the Sacrosanct Chamber, Lord-Arcanums are veteran mages with “a mastery of soul-craft”.  They have overseen the Anvil of Apotheosis, where Stormcast Eternals are reforged (willingly or unwillingly), and have the ability to heal Stormcast Eternals.  Check out the Malign Portents story for more on the reforging process.



Knight-Incantors are “gifted stormcallers” able to summon winds and gales of mystical energy.  A living tempest to clear Sigmar’s foes.  The Knight-Incantor has a once-per-game automatic unbind and a spell that will chip mortal wounds off enemy units within 18″ and give -1 to run and charge.

Sacrosanct Chamber

Sacrosanct Chamber

Sacrosanct Chamber


Warrior mages combining the skills of Paladins and mages.  This unit can support other units with combat buffs.

Sacrosanct Chamber

Sacrosanct Chamber


The battleline choice of the Sacrosanct Chamber – think magic Liberators reforged from priests and mages.  Sequitors specialise in fighting magical foes like Daemons and Nighthaunt, as well as having magical powers of their own.  These warriors can divert energy from their shields to their weapons when needed.

Sacrosanct Chamber

Sacrosanct Chamber


Grenade-launching heavy crossbow unit.  Need I say more?

Sacrosanct Chamber

The Celestar Ballista – Lightning bolt-thrower

The Sacrosanct Chamber is also home to engineers, such as the Lord-Ordinator, and the first war-machine we have seen for Stormcast Eternals.  A lightning bolt-thrower.  We’ve been told to expect more coming 🙂

Sacrosanct Chamber

Sacrosanct Chamber

Reinforcements for the Starter Set

On release weekend you will be able to buy a range of push fit kits to bolster the Soul Wars units – for instance more Sequitors and Castigators.

Sacrosanct Chamber Sacrosanct Chamber


More Sacrosanct Chamber pictures and units from Warhammer Fest 2018

There were also a number of other models from the Sacrosanct Chamber shown at Warhammer Fest 2018.  You’ll see pictures of them below.  I’ll tidy them up in the next few days with some additional commentary.

Additional heroes

Mounted mage hero

Sacrosanct Chamber

Sequitor-Prime – an awesome female Stormcast hero carrying a very Ghostbusters-style ghost trap.

Sacrosanct Chamber

Another Lord-Ordinator?

Sacrosanct Chamber

More warrior mage characters

Sacrosanct Chamber

Sacrosanct Chamber


New heavy cavalry unit

The Sacrosanct chamber will have a new heavy cavalry option.

Sacrosanct Chamber

New Shadespire warband?

The general consensus is that these three Stormcast plus the Gryph-hound could be the Sacrosanct Chamber Shadespire Warband (the logo for which has previously been teased by Games Workshop).  Note the small unit size and sculpted bases.  However, other models in the cabinet also have sculpted bases (such as the war machine).

Miscellaneous other pictures

Further reading on the Sacrosanct Chamber

Check out the following resources for more on the Sacrosanct Chamber: