Hey everyone, I’ve been wanting to do more with the AoS Shorts YouTube Channel for a while now so I’ve started a new video series – This Week in Age of Sigmar. The aim of the videos is to cover all the Warhammer Age of Sigmar news from the previous week – both direct from Games Workshop and from the independent community. I touch on Age of Sigmar news, new releases and events run and coming up.
There is so much great content out there that I wanted to make sure that I was adding something different and that would not add too much time on to managing the site (which is the main project for AoS Shorts). I also want to experiment more with video and off-the-cuff sharing of the hobby.
Let me know what you think of the concept and if you have any suggestions get in touch via Twitter or Facebook. As always, check out Dark Fantastic Mills, and use the discount code “aos shorts” for 10% off.
Age of Sigmar News – 10 August 2018
Last weekend
- BLACKOUT 2018 (coverage post)
- Congrats Ben – Nighthaunt’s first major tournament victory
- Call to Arms (Notorious AOS coverage podcast)
- Congrats to Matt and his 4 VLOZDs
- European Team Championships
- France won the 4 team exhibition event
Games Workshop – Twitch and Warhammer Community
- Twitch
- Building your local gaming club with Ben J and Ben C
- Expanding your Ironjawz army with Rob Crouchley
- Ironjawz vs Legions of Nagash
- StormCast
- Stormcast Eternals – the Story so Far
- Realms of Battle – Ben J and Jervis Johnson
- Solar Eclipse – Ricki Smith’s Sun-eaters
- Rumour Engine – Moonclan, Chaos
- Lore: Dragons and Drakes of the Mortal Realms
- Warhammer Legends: Dragons of the Old World
- new Warhammer Legends scrolls for Prince Imrik and Sisters of Twilight coming
AoS Shorts
- Partnership with Dark Fantastic Mills – 3D printed terrain
- remember the discount code “aos shorts” for 10% off
- BLACKOUT coverage
- Club Profile – Cheltenham Warchiefs
- Creator Class – Adam Trunzo’s Seraphon Display Board
- In the works – Ireland spotlight, realm rules show, & Morathi…
Out this weekend – 11/12 August 2018
- The Tainted Heart by CL Werner – follows Esselt and Talocarn, characters first seen in the short story The Witch Takers from 2017’s Advent Calendar (Amazon US / Amazon UK)
- Evocator on Dracoline
- Lord Ordinator with Astral Grandhammer
- Alternative Lord Executioner – the one with the hourglass
- Bladegheist Revanants
- Dreadscythe Harridons
Pre-orders this weekend – 11/12 August 2018
- Not up at time of recording.
Age of Sigmar events this weekend
- Pompey Pillage
- a lot of events coming up in the next few weeks – Capital City Bloodbath in Canada, Pandemonium in NZ, Warhammer Fest in Europe, EGGS and Northern Invasion in the UK, Siegeworld in the US, Blue Dragon GT and Gods of War both in Australia. With the big event of NOVA at the end of the month.
Advertising two events coming up
- Da Boyz GT in Rochester NY – tickets on sale – November 9-11 2018
- Tempest 2019 tickets are now on sale – 2 day event in Stirling, January 19-20
- Brew City Brawl 2 – May 17 – 19th 2019 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Check out aosevents.org for all the event details you need.
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