AoS Shorts: Your Essential Guide to Age of Sigmar

Legions of Nagash Review

Hello! In today’s show I give my initial impressions and review of Battletome: Legions of Nagash!  I hope to return to the army in a few months for a more detailed Legions of Nagash review once we have all had a chance to playtest and shake the kinks out.

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The battletome fundamentally changes the Death grand alliance and provides incremental upgrades across the board.  There are a number of changes which seem to return the Death grand alliance towards its narrative roots of strong, but fragile, characters, surrounded by an undying and regenerating rabble.

What is clear after a few days with the book, is that there are few stand-out tier 1 unit choices or army builds – there is plenty of choice here.  The army is going to reward clever list-building and generalship and, if I was to guess, sit in the tier 2 range of armies.

In this show, I’ll cover:

  • the structure of the army: the Legions
  • Allegiance Abilities
  • Gravesites
  • the Lores of Death
  • Summoning
  • the new Battalions
  • some warscroll changes and
  • some potential army builds

The Legions of Nagash

The Legions of Nagash battletome covers rules for six different allegiances:

  • Grand Host of Nagash (Nagash and friends)
  • Legion of Sacrament (Arkhan and casting)
  • Legion of Blood (Neferata and her attendants)
  • Legion of Night (Mannfred and crazy choppy)
  • Soulblight (Vamps, vamps and vamps)
  • Death Grand Alliance (the hodge podge / everything else)

Legions of Nagash

If you take Nagash, you have to run the Grand Host, he can’t be chosen in any of the other Legions.  In turn, the other Mortarchs must be the generals in their respective Legions (if you have them in the army) – no appointing a Necromancer or Wight King to deputise for them. You can run the Legions without their Mortarchs if you wish.

The Legions only include models from the Battletome.  So you won’t see any Tomb Kings, Mournguls (who are relegated to Death Grand Alliance) and Flesh-Eaters who stay with their own battletome.  Nighthaunt remain in General’s Handbook 2017.

Each of the Legions have Flesh-Eater Courts as their only ally.  If you run Soulblight, you get more choice in that you can ally with Deadwalkers, Deathlords, Deathrattle, Deathmages,  and Nighthaunt.

Allegiance Abilities

Each of the 6 allegiances have their own set of six command traits and six unique artifacts (unlike the Maggotkin of Nurgle or Disciples of Tzeentch books, there are no duplicate or shared command traits and artefacts).   As you would expect, these are all tied to the theme of the army

The Grand Host and the three Legions share two battle traits, an ability and a command ability:

  • Deathless Minions – roll a dice each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to a firendly DEATH unit within 6″ of your general or another friendly DEATH HERO.  On a 6+ the wound is negated.
  • Magic: All wizards know an extra spell from the Lores of the Dead
  • The Unquiet Dead – the Legions get beneficial terrain called gravesites (more on these later)
  • Command Ability – choose a gravesite within 9″ of the general.  You may return a friendly Summonable unit that has been destroyed to the battlefield and set it up wholly within 9″ of that gravesite and more than 9″ away from enemy models – I suspect this won”t see much use as you still need to pay reinforcement points for the unit, but there may be some situations where this gets you out of a pinch.

Legions of Nagash

The Grand Host

With the Grand Host, Nagash can select three further spells from the Lores of the Dead.  Also, any Morghast in the Grand Host get an extra Attack for all their melee weapons.  Finally, in your hero phase, you may roll a dice for each friendly Grand Host Summonable unit on the battlefield.  On a 5+ you can heal up to D3 wounds that have been allocated to it.  For units with a Wounds characteristic of 1 return 1 slain model to the unit for each wound that would have been healed.

Grave Guard are battleline in a Grand Host army and Morghast are also battleline if you have Nagash as your general.

For each of the allegiances, I’m going to pick a few of my favourite command traits and artefacts. I won’t go through the full lists (buy the battletome for that).

Command Traits
  • Bane of the Living – re-roll wound rolls of 1 for the general for attacks against non-DEATH units.
  • Lord of Nagashizzar – add 1 attack for melee weapons of friendly Deathrattle units within 6″
  • Grave-sand Timeglass: useful for sniping away enemy heroes anywhere on the battlefield
  • Ossific Diadem: roll a dice each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to a friendly Deathrattle model within 12″ of the bearer – on a 6+ the wound is negated.
  • Amethyst Shard: once per battle, in hero phase, fuse the shard with the bearer’s melee weapon – add 1 to hit and wound rolls for that weapon until the next hero phase.

The Legion of Sacrament

Legions of Nagash

The Legion of Sacrament is your main choice for a magic heavy army (outside Nagash).  Led by Arkhan (with his extra casting), several Necromancers and a Mortis Engine you will pump out a lot of spells.  The most beneficial battle trait is that all your wizards have +1 to cast.  You also have the possibility of returning destroyed summonable units to the battlefield.

Command trait
  • Dark Acolyte: a wizard may take another spell from the Lores of the Dead.
  • Mastery of Death: At the start of your hero phase, all friendly Death units within 6″ of the general may make an immediate move up to 3″.
  • Shroud of Darkness: subtract 1 from all hit rolls for attacks targeting the bearer in the shooting phase if the attacking unit is within 8″.  Subtract 2 from hit rolls from further away.
  • Wristbands of Black Gold:  Roll a dice each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to the bearer in the shooting phase.  On a 4+ the wound is negated.

The Legion of Blood


Legions of Nagash

The Legion of Blood are Neferata’s court and its traits revolve around getting up close and personal with the enemy.  The main battle traits are that enemy units within 6″ of your army are -1 bravery.  You also get +1 attack for your Vampire Lords and Blood Knights.

Command traits
  • Swift Strikes: Each time you make a hit roll of 6+ in the combat phase for the general, you can make an additional hit roll for the same weapon against the same target.
  • Aristocracy of Blood: Re-roll failed charge rolls for friendly Soulblight units within 9″ of the general at the start of the charge phase.
  • Walking Death : if the hit roll for an attack made with one of the general’s melee weapons is a 6+, then the attack causes a number of mortal wounds equal to its Damage characteristic (rather than needing to roll to wound etc).
  • Sanguine Blur: Add 2″ to the general’s move characteristic.  In addition you can re-roll failed charges for the general.
  • Soulbound garments: re-roll save rolls of 1 for the bearer.
  • Orb of Enchantment: once per battle, at the start of the combat phase, you can pick an enemy hero within 3″ of the bearer.  In that combat phase, that hero may not pile in, attack or use abilities.

The Legion of Night

Legions of Nagash


The Legion of Night is Mannfred and his ambushing forces striking from Darkness. The main battle trait is that you can set up to 3 units in ambush, rather than on the battlefield at the start of the game.  At the end of any of your movement phases, you can set up any of the units in ambush wholly within 6″ of any battlefield edge and more than 9″ away from any enemy models.  The second trait is that you can add 1 to save rolls for Deathrattle units wholly within your territory (very useful for camping on your home objective).

Command traits
  • Swift Form: add 2″ to the general’s Move characteristic, and 2″ to all runs by the general.
  • Unbending will: Friendly units Legion of Night units within 12″ can re-roll failed battleshock tests.
  • Merciless Hunter: re-roll wound rolls of 1 for the general.
  • Vial of the Pure Blood: once per battle, in your hero phase, you can declare that the bearer will drink the bial.  You can add 1 to hit and wound rolls for the bearer until the next hero phase.
  • Shard of Night: subtract 1 from the hit rolls of all attacks that target the bearer in the shooting phase [no use against hero phase shooting though….].

Soulblight and Death Grand Alliance

I’m not going to spend much time delving into the last two allegiances.  Both have just been updated to deal with the Summonable mechanic and do not get to access gravesites and the other benefits of the Legions of Nagash allegiances.  Soulblight gain access to the Lore of Vampires but otherwise keep their Deathless Thralls battle trait, their bloodlines, six command traits and six artefacts.  Death Grand Alliance keeps Deathless Minions, six traits and six artefacts.  The Grand Alliance is the only way that you can mix in Nighthaunt units or a Mourngul etc.

The Lores of the Dead – Spells

The Legions of Nagash have access to two spell lores – the Lore of the Deathmages (for Deathmages…) and the Lore of the Vampires (for vampires….).  The Deathlords (Nagash and the Mortarchs) can access spells from either lore.

Both lores benefit from the Locus of Shyish – a rule that says if the unmodified casting roll for a spell is a 9+ (and the spell is not unbound) then you resolve the effects of the spell twice.   You can choose the same unit, or a different target.  Because it is the unmodified roll that counts, you won’t be building a list solely around this ability, but it will certainly be a useful boon in the 27% of rolls it goes off.  You can expect to have it work a few times each game.

Each lore has its own character.  The Deathmages lore is all about debuffing the enemy at a 12-18″ range.  Some particular standouts are:

  • Overwhelming Dread – cast on a 5 – pick a visible enemy unit within 18″, until your next hero phase that unit is -1 to hit and -1 bravery.  Very useful against anything which receives benefits on 6s to hit.
  • Fading Vigour – an enemy unit loses an attack from their melee weapons (down to a minimum of 1) and can only roll 1 dice when charging.
  • Soul Harvest (for a combat Nagash) – cast on a 7 – every enemy unit within 3″ takes D3 mortal wounds.  For each mortal wound that was allocated, and not negated, roll a dice.  On a 5+ the caster heals a wound.

The Lore of Vampires is more short range and offensive.  My current favourite is the Amaranthine Orb – you draw a straight line from the caster for 12″ and each unit under it suffers D6 mortal wounds on a 4+.  I suspect this will be a favourite on Arkhan given that he gives spells an extra 6″ range.  The Soulpike may also get some use.


As is the way with Sylvaneth and Maggotkin of Nurgle, the Legions of Nagash have their own terrain pieces which interract with the army.  For Legions of Nagash, these are gravesites.  Gravesites have benefits for both summoning and healing.

After territories have been determined, but before any units have been set up, you may pick up to 2 points in your territory and up to 2 points anywhere on the battlefield to be gravesites.   There is no set size for gravesites, but Games Workshop suggest a suitable marker (perhaps a modified base, or one of the little chapels from the Sigmarite Mausoleum kit).

First up, you have flexibility in where you place 2 of your gravesites.  Depending on the scenario, you could choose to place one or two of these:

  • in enemy territory near an objective, in order to require your opponent to divert resources to that part of the board; or
  • in your own territory if you want to maximise the defensive benefits of overlapping healing.


Instead of setting up a Summonable unit on the battlefield, you can place it to one side and say that it is set up in the grave.  You can do this with as many units as you wish.

At the end of your movement phase, for each DEATH HERO within 9″ of a gravesite, you may pick a single unit in the grave and set it up wholly within 9″ of that gravesite and more than 9″ from any enemy models.  If a unit is still in the grave at the end of the battle, it is considered to be slain.

Given the restrictions on placing models, I don’t see you leaving large units in reserve in summoning.  Much more likely to see smaller units of 10 Grave Guard or late game objective capturers such as dire wolves.  This will be especially important in scenarios where you get additional points for holding objectives in later turns.


Invigorating Aura:  At the start of your hero phase, pick a friendly summonable unit within 9″ of this gravesite.  You can either heal D3 wounds that have been allocated to it or, if no wounds are currently allocated to the unit, you may return a number of slain models to it that have a combined Wounds characteristic equal to or less than the roll of a D3.

This is likely to be the greatest benefit of the gravesites.  Four gravesites in your own territory could restore 4D3 wounds/slain models to your grave guard or skeleton units (keeping them at full size and maximum output for those skeletons).


The Legions of Nagash battletome brings a large overhaul to the summoning rules for Death.

Previously, you could set aside a number of reinforcement points and summon the units you needed when you needed them.  The ultimate toolkit to face your opponent’s army (as long as you had the models with you).

Now you have to name the units you intend to summon on your army list (and pay the points for them in your list).  The toolkit is gone.

You can also only summon units with the Summonable keyword.  These are Bat Swarms, Fell bats, Zombies, Black Knights, Grave Guard, Skeleton Warriors, Hexwraiths, Spirit Hosts and Dire Wolves.

In exchange, you no longer have to cast a spell in order to bring the unit on to the table.  You need to have a hero within 9″ of the gravesites and set the unit up wholly within 9″ of that site.

Warscroll Battalions

The warscroll battalions are themed around similar lines to the Legions of Nagash.

I suspect the First Cohort will see the most play initially.  This battalion is 160 points, and requires Nagash, a unit of Morghast and 3 units of Deathrattle.  Once you have filled out those Deathrattle units you won’t have many points left, but you do get a one-drop and abilities to transfer wounds from Nagash to the Morghast and stronger healing of your units.  The army will revolve around Nagash’s output.

The Lords of Sacrament is your main magic-heavy choice.  The battalion requires Arkhan, two Necromancers (a powerful choice) and a Mortis Engine.  Your wizards can cast an extra spell if they are within 6″ of the Mortis Engine.  You can also add 1 to save rolls for Arkhan and the Necromancers if they are within 6″ of the Mortis Engine.

The Deathmarch gives you extra movement, but includes a unit of Black Knights (which is a bit of tax).

If you fancy a crazy combat choice, try the Castellans of the Crimson Keep.


Right, on to the warscroll changes.  There have been quite a few little changes.

The largest change is that most heroes now have the Deathly Invocation ability which allows them to heal Summonable units.  The number of units that can be healed, and the range of the ability varies depending on the strength of the hero.  Nagash can heal five units anywhere on the battlefield, Necromancers are 2 units within 6″ for example.   All this healing stacks so you’ll be quickly returning large numbers of models to the table.

As a result, banners in units now don’t provide healing, but instead provide a bravery debuff to enemy units within 6″ of the banner (so expect units now to have multiple banners in them).  While large battleline units are improved by this change (and skeletons are now cheaper), units like Blood Knights can no longer be healed or returned (although they get an extra attack to ameliorate the loss).

Zombie dragons have now been brought in line with the zombie dragons in the Flesh-Eater Courts battletome.  No more confusion about which scroll is in play.

Terrorgheists have also received a significant buff to their Gaping Maw ability – Each time you make a hit roll of 6+ for this model’s Fanged Maw, the attack is automatically successful.  Determine damage normally (do not make a wound or save roll) but increase the weapon’s Damage characteristic to 6.  Try to pair this with Damned terrain and other ways to buff the hit roll.

There are two new warscrolls –  Prince Vhodrai (special character Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon) and a Bloodseeker Palanquin (combination of the existing big kits).  I suspect we will see a lot of Prince Vhodrai, as I’ll touch on more below.

Possible army builds

And finally, what are we likely to see on the tabletop.  I’m sure I’ll come back to revisit this section in the next week or so, but here are some initial thoughts:

  •  Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon – a popular choice for people who don’t want to run Nagash or Mortarchs.  14 wounds, 3+ save, can move up to 27″, fly, and decent damage output.   It also has a great command ability – allowing a friendly Death unit within 15″ to re-roll failed hit rolls until the next hero phase (very useful when paired with a Terrorgheist).
  • Prince Vhordrai – the same base as the VLOZD, a 3+ save, heals wounds, does mortal wounds… While the Prince doesn’t have the re-roll failed hit rolls command ability, he can give another unit +1 to hit and +1 to wound rolls, and also select that unit to immediately pile in and attack in the hero phase.
  • Necromancers are excellent.  I can see many people running multiple Necromancers.  While the Death army can debuff opponents well, and restore or ressurect its units, it can struggle with producing high damage output.  The Necromancer’s Vanhels ability allows you to have units pile in and attack twice.  Crazy good on a unit of 30 grave guard.
  • Grave Guard – massive damage output from a small base size, really allowing you to maximise your attacks from your large units.  The large units will be the most resilient, especially with gravesites nearby but they can also have a role in MSU style units of 10 which can be summoned into small gaps and be healed as required.
  • Morghast Harbingers – flying, rolling extra dice for charges and halberds with -2 rend and straight 3 damage.
  • Skeletons in units of 40 – lots of attacks if they stay above 30 models (which is even easier now with healing and gravesites).
  • Dire Wolves – grab objectives quickly
  • Bat Swarms – still useful if you have a strong local shooting meta (-1 to hit for shooting attacks within 12″)
Phew…. that’s a long review.
Further Reading


CanCon 2018: Top 10 Age of Sigmar Lists

Hey everyone, the Southern Hemisphere’s largest Age of Sigmar tournament, Call to Glory 2018, was held 27/28 January at Cancon, Canberra.  104 players from across Australia gathered to show the best they had to offer. Here you’ll find the top 10 Age of Sigmar army lists from the event.

Call to Glory 2018 was hosted by Clint Mallet of the Heralds of War podcast.   You can check out the Players’ Pack, the event coverage and interview with the winner, Adam Burt.

Call to Glory, Cancon Top 10 Age of Sigmar army lists

So, let’s cut to the chase, the top 10 were:

  1. Adam Burt – Stormcast Eternals
  2. David Kerr – Maggotkin of Nurgle
  3. Christopher Tot – Seraphon
  4. Timothy Macdivitt – Fyreslayers
  5. Ashley McEwan – Disciples of Tzeentch
  6. Luke Taylor – Disciples of Tzeentch
  7. Dan Saye – Dispossessed
  8. Joel McGrath – Stormcast Eternals
  9. Scott Norwood – Disciples of Tzeentch
  10. Robert Reimers – Stormcast Eternals

Check out the Full Results and all the lists and other coverage over at the list archive.

Adam Burt – Stormcast Eternals

Lord-Celestant (100)
– General
– Trait: Staunch Defender
Knight-Heraldor (120)
Lord-Relictor (80)
Lord-Relictor (80)
Lord-Castellant (100)
– Mystic Light: Lantern of the Tempest
Battlemage (100)
– Allies

5 x Liberators (100)
– Warhammer & Shield
– 1x Grandhammers
5 x Liberators (100)
– Warhammer & Shield
– 1x Grandhammers
5 x Liberators (100)
– Warhammer & Shield
– 1x Grandhammers
5 x Judicators (160)
– Skybolt Bows
– 1x Shockbolt Bows

2 x Fulminators (240)
2 x Fulminators (240)
2 x Tempestors (220)
2 x Tempestors (220)
1 x Gryph-Hound (40)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Allies: 100 / 400

David Kerr – Maggotkin of Nurgle

The Glottkin (420)
– General (Big Daddy D the dope OG)
Lord of Blights (140)
– Rustfang
Gutrot Spume (140)
Poxbringer (120)
– Tome Of A Thousand Poxes

30 Plaguebearers (320)
10 Blight Kings (320)
5 Blight Kings (160)
5 Blight Kings (160)

Blight Cyst (220)

Total 2000/2000

Christopher Tot – Seraphon

Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (240)
– General
– Command Trait : Mighty War Leader
– War Spear
– Artefact : Incandescent Rectrices
Skink Starpriest (80)
– Artefact : Light of Dracothion
Skink Priest (80)
– Priestly Trappings

20 x Skinks (120)
-Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers
20 x Skinks (120)
-Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers
20 x Skinks (120)
-Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers

6 x Ripperdactyl Riders (280)
3 x Ripperdactyl Riders (140)
Dread Saurian (380)
Stegadon (240)

Shadowstrike Starhost (170)

Total: 1970 / 2000

Timothy Macdivitt – Fyreslayers

Auric Runefather
– Exemplar of the Ancestor
– Obsidian Coronet
– General
Auric Runemaster
Auric Runesmiter
– Forge key
– Ash-plume Sigil
Auric Runesmiter
– Forge key

30 x Hearthguard Bezerkers
– Poleaxes
30 x Vulkite Bezerkers
-War-Picks & Slingshields
30 x Vulkite Bezerkers
-War-Picks & Slingshields
30 x Vulkite Bezerkers
-War-Picks & Slingshields

Lords of the Lodge

Total: 1960 / 2000

Ashley McEwan – Disciples of Tzeentch

Lord Of Change (300)
– General
– Trait: Magical Supremacy
– Artefact: Wellspring of Arcane Might
The Changeling (140)
Gaunt Summoner and Chaos Familiars (120)
Ogroid Thaumaturge (160)
– Artefact: Daemonheart
Tzaangor Shaman (160)

10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)
10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)
10 x Tzaangors (180)

3 x Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc (160)
3 x Tzaangor Skyfires (200)

Alter-kin Coven (70)

Reinforcement Points (310)

Total: 2000 / 2000

Luke Taylor – Disciples of Tzeentch

Lord Of Change (300)
– General
– Trait: Magical Supremacy
– Artefact: Wellspring of Arcane Might
The Blue Scribes (120)
Gaunt Summoner and Chaos Familiars (120)
Tzaangor Shaman (160)

10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (120)
10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (120)
10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (120)

9 x Tzaangor Skyfires (600)

Reinforcement Points (340)

Total: 2000 / 2000

Dan Saye – Dispossessed

Warden King (120)
– General
– Trait: Grudgebearer
Runelord (80)
– Artefact: Ancestral Pickaxe
Runelord (80)
Celestant-Prime (340)
– Allies

10 x Warriors (80)
– Double-handed Duardin Axes & Shields
10 x Warriors (80)
– Double-handed Duardin Axes & Shields
10 x Longbeards (120)
– Great Axes & Shields

20 x Quarrellers (240)
20 x Irondrakes (400)
30 x Ironbreakers (400)
1 x Gryph-Hound (40)
– Allies

Total: 1980 / 2000
Allies: 380 / 400

Joel McGrath – Stormcast Eternals

Lord-Celestant On Dracoth (220)
– General
– Tempestos Hammer & Thundershield
– Trait: Staunch Defender
– Artefact: Obsidian Blade
– Dracoth Trait: Keen-clawed
Lord-Castellant (100)
– Mystic Light: Lantern of the Tempest
Lord-Castellant (100)
Lord-Relictor (80)

30 x Liberators (520)
– Warhammers
– 6x Grandhammers
5 x Liberators (100)
– Warblade & Shield
– 1x Grandblades
5 x Judicators (160)
– Skybolt Bows
– 1x Shockbolt Bows

3 x Prosecutors with Stormcall Javelins (100)
– 1x Stormsurge Tridents
3 x Prosecutors with Stormcall Javelins (100)
– 1x Stormsurge Tridents
3 x Prosecutors with Stormcall Javelins (100)
– 1x Stormsurge Tridents
5 x Sisters of the Thorn (220)
– Allies

Vanguard Wing (200)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Allies: 220 / 400

Scott Norwood – Disciples of Tzeentch

Lord Of Change (300)
– General
– Trait: Arch Sorcerer
Tzaangor Shaman (160)
Gaunt Summoner (120)
– Artefact: Souldraught
Sayl The Faithless (120)
– Allies

10 x Chaos Marauders (60)
– Axes & Shields
– Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch
10 x Chaos Marauders (60)
– Axes & Shields
– Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch
30 x Chaos Warriors (480)
– Hand Weapon & Shield
– Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch

9 x Tzaangor Skyfires (600)

Reinforcement Points (100)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Allies: 120 / 400

Robert Reimers – Stormcast Eternals

Lord-Celestant On Stardrake (560)
– General
– Celestine Hammer
– Trait: Staunch Defender
– Artefact: Mirrorshield
– Stardrake Trait: Keen-clawed
Drakesworn Templar (500)
– Arc Hammer
Lord-Castellant (100)

5 x Liberators (100)
– Warhammer & Shield
– 1x Grandhammers
5 x Liberators (100)
– Warblade & Shield
– 1x Grandblades
5 x Judicators (160)
– Skybolt Bows
– 1x Shockbolt Bows

2 x Fulminators (240)
2 x Fulminators (240)

Total: 2000 / 2000

Further Reading

For advice on how to write a successful Age of Sigmar list listening to this show, or any of the Masterclass episodes with top US and UK gamers.   Also, check out the list archive for other top lists from tournaments around the world.

Las Vegas Open: Top 10 Age of Sigmar Lists

So the Las Vegas Open Age of Sigmar Championships was held over the weekend in, you guessed it, Las Vegas.  Warhammer Live and the Warhammer Community team were there in attendance and you can check out all the coverage over on the Warhammer Live Twitch channel.

Las Vegas Open Age of Sigmar Championships

Before we get into the army lists, a big congratulations to Scott Reed (the tournament organiser), Elric Edge (of the Rolling Bad podcast) and everyone else who worked so hard to put on an excellent event.  90+ gamers, including some travelling Brits, having a great weekend of Age of Sigmar.

Now the Las Vegas Open Age of Sigmar Championships were held over 7 rounds, using 2,000 point armies in General’s Handbook 2017 scenarios.  The pack can be found here and here.

Las Vegas Open – the results

I don’t have the full results, or all the award placings, but Samuel Valdez (who attended the event) kindly sent me through the top 10 and the lists.  Once I get a chance, I will try to add all the remaining lists into the list archive, and provide some commentary on the top 10.

Drumroll please….

So the final standings were:

  • Andrew Standiferd – Vanguard Wing
  • James Thomas – Changehost
  • Tony Moore – Changehost
  • Oliver Gandouet – Mixed Order
  • Michael Burch – Skyfires
  • Joe Krier – Changehost
  • Bill Souza – Nurgle
  • Jarrett Zazuetta – “Kroak-nado”
  • Jeff Paynter – Skyfires
  • Mike Scaletti – Gore Pilgrims

*get in touch and let me know the Twitter handles of the people I’ve missed.

Perhaps unsurprising, Disciples of Tzeentch were the power to be reckoned with.  No change there….

The top army lists at LVO 2018

So the army lists, in reverse order.

10. Mike Scaletti – Gore Pilgrims army list

Las Vegas Open

9. Jeff Paynter – Skyfires and Skin Wolves

Las Vegas Open 9

8. Jarrett Zazuetta – Kroaknado Seraphon list

Las Vegas Open 87. Bill Souza – Maggotkin List

Las Vegas Open 7

6. Joe Krier – Changehost

Las Vegas Open 6

5. Michael Burch – Disciples of Tzeentch

Las Vegas Open 5

4. Olivier Gandouet – Mixed Order

Las Vegas Open 4

3. Tony Moore – Changehost

Las Vegas Open 32. James Thomas – Changehost

Las Vegas Open 2

1. Andrew Standiferd – Vanguard Wing

Las Vegas Open 1


Further Reading

For advice on how to write a successful Age of Sigmar list listening to this show, or any of the Masterclass episodes with top US and UK gamers.   Also, check out the list archive for other top lists from tournaments around the world.

Maggotkin of Nurgle

Hey guys, welcome to the first AoS Shorts episode for 2018.  With such a great release as Maggotkin of Nurgle, I just couldn’t resist putting out a show.  Twitter is awash with green frothy enthusiasm and the book has been covered in detail by the great Facehammer podcast, Chris Tomlin’s on TGA and Tyler Mengel (links below), so I highly recommend you check them out.  However, as always, I think there is room for the AoS Shorts treatment.  So in the next 20 minutes or so, I hope to cover the key points you need to know – whether you intend to play Maggotkin or will be facing them on the tabletop.

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  1. First impressions – Maggotkin of Nurgle playstyle
  2. Maggotkin of Nurgle allegiance
  3. Allegiance ability – Cycle of Corruption
  4. Feculent Gnarlmaw
  5. Contagion Points
  6. Command Traits
  7. Artefacts
  8. Lore of Nurgle
  9. Warscroll Battalions
  10. Allies and Summoning
  11. Maggotkin of Nurgle Army List Predictions
  12. Which armies will do well against Maggotkin of Nurgle?
  13. Conclusion and Further Reading

First impressions – Maggotkin of Nurgle playstyle

Overall, the Maggotkin of Nurgle battletome looks internally balanced with a range of choices for Nurgle generals.  There seem to be few automatic selections and from all the chat that has been flying around, there are a lot of army list ideas out there.  This has to be the just reward of the more extensive feedback and playtesting the book went through.


In terms of playstyle, the Maggotkin are still super resilient – whether through debuffs to hit, more widespread methods for ignoring wounds and mortal wounds and through regeneration/healing.  If you don’t apply enough firepower to your target, then you will quickly find those large models will be back up to full strength.

Movement buffs to overcome Nurgle’s slow nature

Characteristically Nurgle armies have been slow and shambling, but the new book allows you a number of ways to counteract that (through the new Feculent Gnarlmaws, the Bell on the Great Unclean One and the Cycle of Contagion).  Don’t underestimate the speed with which you could have Nurgle units in your face early game.

Mortal wound output

Finally, the book is awash with mortal wound output.  Not in a Disciples of Tzeentch way, but in a steadily chipping off a small number of wounds from multiple units kind of way.  There are 2 infinite range spells that do D3 mortal wounds to multiple targets and 1 infinite range ability that does D3 mortal wounds to multiple units.  Nurgle armies will grind you down and knock out your support heroes if you don’t neuter them.

Maggotkin of Nurgle rewards good play

Now, all of these characteristics can be tailored through intelligent use of command traits, artifacts and spells.  However, in the new General’s Handbook 2017 world of higher cost battalions, you will need to make choices.  You can’t have everything, and with the prevalence of special characters in Maggotkin of Nurgle lists (who can’t take generic traits), your available slots are even more limited.

So, in short, Maggotkin of Nurgle will reward top quality list writing and game management.  This is definitely not an auto-win army but in the hands of a skilled general it will perform well.  And there is enough choice that you won’t be bored with being pigeon-holed into one particular build.

Now with that out of the way, let’s look at the battletome in a bit more detail.

Maggotkin of Nurgle allegiance

Just like Blades of Khorne and the Disciples of Tzeentch, the Maggotkin of Nurgle army is split into three factions:  Rotbringers, Mortals and Daemons of Nurgle.

Armies with the Nurgle keyword can have the Nurgle allegiance, and within that, units with the Rotbringers, Mortal or Nurgle Daemon key words can access the command traits, artifacts and spells available to those keywords.  Because the army rests on the Nurgle keyword, you can freely use Pestilens and Slaves to Darkness units that share the Nurgle keyword (or that are given the keyword).

Allegiance Ability – Cycle of Corruption

The key allegiance ability is the Cycle of Corruption – the Nurgle wheel that we first saw in the Blightwar box (so pick one up for handy in-game tracking).  The Cycle of Corruption contains 7 effects, buffs and debuffs that apply to the battlefield for that battleround.  As the Cycle applies to the battlefield, it applies equally to both armies if you are playing against another Nurgle army.

At the start of the game, you roll a dice to determine the starting point on the wheel.  Each turn the wheel moves clockwise at the start of the hero phase.  Now one of the concerns of matched play gamers after seeing the Blightwar box was the difficulty of optimising list builds around a random roll.  However, the battletome contains a number of ways that you can modify the wheel in order to get the bonus you want when you need it (in particular, the Grandfather’s Blessing command trait, and the Foul Regensis spell known by all Nurgle wizards).  Through clever use of these abilities you can have mortal wound output every single turn.

Feculent Gnarlmaw

The second aspect of the allegiance ability is that Nurgle armies come with free terrain, just like Sylvaneth armies.  At the beginning of the game, after rolling for scenario but before picking sides, a Nurgle player can set up a Feculent Gnarlmaw for free.  The Gnarlmaw is an infected wood that has an aura which causes mortal wounds to nearby non-Nurgle units and allows Nurgle units within 7″ of it to run and charge!

More Gnarlmaws can be summoned during the game by using Contagion Points (which I’ll get to) or brought onto the table by Horticulous Slimux, allowing some great board control.   I can also see them being very useful in scenarios which require heroes to hold objectives.  Put a Gnarlmaw on the objective and watch your opponent’s 5 or 6 wound heroes get chipped away by the mortal wound aura.

Feculent Gnarlmaw

If you are looking for variations or alternative models for the Gnarlmaw, check out @garrisimo’s over at Age of Hobby.  They are a similar size and volume to the Games Workshop model.  More links and pics below.

Contagion Points

So Contagion Points, Nurgle’s own mechanic similar to Khorne’s Blood Tithe.  Nurgle armies earn Contagion Points in each of their hero phases based on having:

  • units in your deployment zone
  • units in your enemy’s deployment zone
  • Gnarlmaws with no enemies nearby.

New Nurgle summoning rules

These points accumulate during the game and can be spent on summoning Daemons of Nurgle.  The summoning rules for these Daemons have changed.  You can no longer summon Daemons of Nurgle by casting spells (bye bye Plaguebearers in Tzeentch lists for instance) and can only do so by spending Contagion Points.  Because you no longer cast a spell, there is no risk of being unbound, however you still pay reinforcement points for the unit in matched play.  The summoned unit is set-up at the end of your movement phase within 12″ of a hero or Gnarlmaw and at least 9″ away from enemies.

Now, given how the points accumulate, I don’t see mass Nurgle summoning lists being popular or effective – it just takes too long to accumulate points (see JabberTzeentch‘s analysis below).  The best use of the points seems to be to put more Gnarlmaws on the board early, and then perhaps summon a small unit for capturing objectives late game (or not at all).

Expected amount of Contagion Points if both sides have models in both territories on Turn 2 and there is 1 Gnarlmaw on the Board (same numbers based on 2 Gnarlmaws are in brackets).

Turn 1: 5-7 (6-10)

Turn 2: 13-17 (18-22)

Turn 3: 23-27 (30-34)

Turn 4: 33-37 (42-46)

Turn 5: 43-47 (54-58)

Command Traits

In terms of command traits, there are three shared command traits and three unique ones for each of Rotbringers, Mortals and Daemons of Nurgle.

As others have mentioned, I suspect the most common command trait you will see is likely to be Grandfather’s Blessing which allows you to move the Cycle of Corruption one way forward or back once per battle.


There are six unique artifacts for each of the factions.  There is a lot of choice here so I’ll just touch on the most common ones you will likely see.  For me, it is always worth using command traits and artefacts to support your army’s strengths rather than accommodate for their weakness.


  • Rustfang – which when it causes a wound permanently reduces the armour save of an enemy unit for the rest of the game.
  • Muttergrub – which allows a wizard to cast an extra spell.

Daemons of Nurgle

  • The Endless Gift – In the battleshock phase the model can heal wounds taken that turn.
  • The Witherstave – Enemies within 12″ have to re-roll sixes to hit.
  • Tome of a Thousand Poxes – +1 to cast for a wizard, non wizards get a spell.

There are also some really powerful, but unreliable choices available:

  • Rotbringer: Fecund Flask – Once per game 2+ heal all wounds, 1 you die!
  • Daemons: Nurgle’s Nail – If you cause wounds with this weapon, you can roll 2D6 and on a 7 auto kill the model.
  • Mortals: The Eye of Nurgle – Once per battle, the nearest model to the bearer dies on a 2D6 roll of 7!

While these appear very powerful, the chance of rolling a 7 on 2D6 is 16.6%, or on average less than once a game if you could use it every turn.

Therefore, you will need to consider if the threat and board control of those artifacts are worth it vs something which may not be so sexy but will have more consistent and synergistic impact for your army.

Lore of Nurgle

The new Lore of Nurgle provides three spells per faction.  Each Nurgle wizard knows the Foul Regensis spell in addition to one from their lore.  This spell allows you to immediately reset the Cycle of Contagion to the stage of your choice (whether the effect goes off that turn, or simply sets you up for the next turn, will depend on the stage you choose).

High casting costs and short to mid range spells

As a general comment, the casting costs are high and the spells predominately have a short to mid range.  Therefore, if you are building an army around the spells you will need to buff the cast.  The Great Unclean One can now cast two spells and can be +2 to cast (using an artefact and the dagger), but is limited to the Daemon spells which aren’t as strong as the Rotbringer or Mortal spells.

Rotbringer spells

Rotbringer wizards can use Blades of Putrefaction which casts on a 7 and is a buff that means a unit inflicts a mortal wound as well as other damage if it rolls a 6+ to hit.  Notable mentions for Rancid Visitations and Gift of Contagion but both are more situational.

Nurgle Mortal spells

The best spell in the Nurgle Mortals lore, if not the book, is Plague Squall which on a casting value of a 6 allows you to dish out D3 mortal wounds to D6 enemy units visible to the caster (unlimited range!)

Daemons of Nurgle spells

There are notable mentions for the Glorious Afflications and Favoured Poxes debuffs in the Daemon spell lore, especially if you are playing a contain list, but now you can’t summon a wizard and then cast the spell.

Warscroll Battalions

I’m not going to go into the warscroll battalions here as I believe Chris covered everything you need to know in his TGA post.  However, I’d suggest that the most common battalion you’ll see is the Plaguetouched warband, which is in the Everchosen battletome.  I’ll discuss why shortly in the potential army build section.

Allies and Summoning

Now on to allies.  Maggotkin of Nurgle can ally with Khorne, Brayherds, Chaos Gargants, Everchosen, Monsters of Chaos, Slaanesh, Slaves to Darkness (excl Tzeentch), Warherds.

Three things to note:

  • Hellstriders of Slaanesh could be a useful addition in a stacking debuff Nurgle army due to their -1 to hit 6″ bubble;
  • you can still ally in a Gaunt Summoner with Familiars on Balewind thanks to the Everchosen keyword; and
  • while you cannot ally in Tzeentch daemons, you can of course still summon them – so if you don’t care about the lore, feel free to summon in some Pink Horrors 😉

NB: I’ll update the Chaos Allies matrix in the Resources section this week.

Summoning choices

In terms of summoning, a pool of about 120 points would work well – you could summon a Beast of Nurgle for some crucial positioning, 10 Plaguebearers, a Balewind, or a Herald of Tzeentch if you want to use the 18″ mortal wound spell.

Maggotkin of Nurgle Army List Predictions

Now I’m going to have a go at predicting some likely Nurgle army builds.  The Blightkings have been getting a lot of love online thanks to them getting cheaper and gaining an extra wound but I want to offer some alternatives.  Both of these have been proposed by local mastermind James Page – so all credit and responsibility lies with him.

“Control and sustain”

The first is a “control and sustain” build which uses Rotigus’ Deluge spell, a Great Unclean One, Glotkin, and support casters to put out a range of buffs and mortal wounds behind a safe wall of resilient troops.  I haven’t got a finished list in mind but the fundamentals are there for a solid list that will grind you down

Plaguetouched warband

The second is a Plaguetouched warband alpha-strike Chaos Knight list which can be one-drop or two.  The Plaguetouched warband contains 1 mortal nurgle hero and 7 mortal nurgle units and makes its units -1 to hit in combat, and can give some units the ability to do mortal wounds back to opponents that attack them.  Now, as we all know, Warhammer Weekly’s Tom writes all the successful lists in Age of Sigmar, and I know he has been a big fan of the Plaguetouched Warband – although I confess I haven’t seen or listened to his proposed list.

The list contains Glotkin, large units of Chaos Knights, a shrine and other support pieces.  The aim is to tie up all your opponent’s resources dealing with a buffed Chaos Knight unit which is in their face turn one.  The unit can be -1 to hit, have extra attacks for both the mounts and riders, re-rolling to wound, cause mortal wounds and be extra quick thanks to the Nurgle allegiance abilities.  With the movement buffs, you don’t need Sayl and don’t have to worry about charging from 9″ away.

One drop Plaguetouched Warband

  • Plaguetouched warband 100
  • Glotkin 420
  • Chaos Sorcerer 160
  • 14 Chaos Knights 480
  • 14 Chaos Knights 480
  • Shrine 180
  • 10 Marauders 60
  • 10 Marauders 60
  • 10 Marauders 60
  • 2,000 pts

Two drop Plaguetouched Warband

  • Plaguetouched warband 100
  • Glotkin 420
  • Rotigus 340
  • Rotbringer Sorcerer 120
  • 10 Chaos Knights 320
  • 10 Chaos Knights 320
  • Shrine  180
  • 10 Marauders 60
  • 10 Marauders 60
  • 10 Marauders 60
  • 1980 pts

This list foregoes the Plaguetouched warband buffs on the Chaos Knights but gives you access to the Rotigus Deluge spell and other mortal wound output to reach your opponent’s backline.

Check out the listbuilding show and the Masterclass podcasts to learn what to take into account when writing effective Age of Sigmar tournament lists.

Which armies will do well against Maggotkin of Nurgle?

Now which armies do I think will perform well against Nurgle?

Shut down the magic phase

Disciples of Tzeentch will of course still be strong – the army can unbind the Nurgle spells, has great chaff lines and can out duel Nurgle in the mortal wound fight (even with Nurgle’s disgustingly resilient saves).  Seraphon lists should also do well at shutting down the Nurgle magic phase.

Pure alpha strike to stop the Nurgle grind

Given the grind nature of many Nurgle lists, it seems like you need a very efficient alpha strike that can take out the Nurgle characters and support pieces before the rest of the army is buffed up.  Kharadron Overlords can achieve this, but if they don’t succeed then they will lose their own heroes very quickly and could be swamped under a green tide.

Pestilens – lovers of filth and weight of attacks

Finally, and don’t laugh, but Pestilens will actually play well against Nurgle.  The army will benefit from all the Nurgle buffs, is protected from Nurgle’s mortal wound output generally, and thanks to the Gnarlmaws could have a massive wave of Plaguemonks in combat turn 1.  If you make Nurgle take enough saves then not even the disgustingly resilient rule will save them.  If you are interested in Pestilens, I highly recommend you check out local New Zealand player Aiden’s TGA blog, the “Acolytes of the Withered Word”.

Conclusion and Further Reading

Thanks for listening – get in touch and let me know what you think.  It will be really interesting to see how the tournament meta changes over the next few months.  I expect we won’t have as long to wait as usual given how quick and easy it is to paint up a Nurgle army!

Further reading, reviews and resources

For all the information you need on Maggotkin of Nurgle, check out all these great reviews and resources.

Contact me on Twitter if you are interested in joining the WhatsApp group too.

Alternative Gnarlmaw models

Check these out if you are looking for alternative Gnarlmaw models.  You can find them here.
Gnarlmaw Gnarlmaw


New Zealand Age of Sigmar Masters 2017 Review Show

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In this show, we recap the inaugural New Zealand Age of Sigmar Masters.  This is the first ensemble cast episode of AoS Shorts, as I am joined by James Page (NZ#5), Tim Lind (NZ#8) and Shaun Bates (NZ#2) .

We cover how the New Zealand Age of Sigmar rankings work, the criteria for attending the end-of-year Masters event, how the Masters tournament was structured and a run-down of the lists and games.

New Zealand Age of Sigmar rankings, lists and analysis

All you need:

An apology

Unfortunately, because we had four people calling in from different locations, we had a number of technical difficulties.  These have meant that the sound quality is worse than I would have liked, and there are some continuity issues in the show.  However, I still wanted to release the episode because:

  1. the guys had given their evening to come onto the show;
  2. I believe there is some useful information in the show; and
  3. I want to share the New Zealand Age of Sigmar scene with the global Age of Sigmar community.

Please get in touch

Get in touch with any comments, suggestions and questions – either through this site, on Facebook or Twitter.

XL: London AoS GT / How to write a list for a tournament pack!

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On today’s episode, I’m joined by the organisers of the London Age of Sigmar Grand Tournament, Tom Loyn and Jack Armstrong, to discuss their tournament pack and how to take into account a tournament pack in writing your army list.  How to consider the scoring system, tiebreakers, scenarios, objectives and meta to write the best army list possible!

Tom and Jack are perfectly placed to advise on this topic:

  • Tom is the captain of Team Wales, and
  • Jack is the current UK#8, winner of the Facehammer GT, 3rd at the South Coast GT, and the first player ever to get a perfect 400 in the UK rankings.

The London Age of Sigmar Grand Tournament

The London AoS GT is being held on 19 and 20 May 2018 at the Westminster Academy Sport, Torquay St, London W2 5EW.  It will be a 2,000 point matched play tournament using General’s Handbook 2017, a Win / Loss / Draw scoring system and with some additional in-game quests as the first tiebreaker.

The London AoS GT is being held as part of the London Grand Tournament, a tabletop wargaming convention that is centred around organised play.  In London, every May, hundreds of hobbyists get together to throw dice and have a whole lot of fun.​

Originally conceived in a pub late one cold winter night, the LGT has grown from a Warhammer 40k GT to a multi-system wargaming convention, including additional events such as an Age of Sigmar GT, Blood Bowl, Necromunda, Warmaster and a narrative Horus Heresy event.  Last year, Warhammer Live streamed the 40k GT on Twitch!

Buy tickets from 1 November

Ticket sales and the full pack will go live on 1 November (next Wednesday!).  Go to the website to purchase tickets and to sign up for their mailing list for priority ticket access and updates on the event.  Check it out:

Where to find us

You can find Tom on Twitter at @tloyn, Jack at @jackwarmstrong and me at @antipodean7.  As always, check out the other resources on this site and AoS Shorts on Facebook.

All feedback, comments, criticism and ideas welcome so please get in touch 🙂

Further resources

For more tips on how to write effective army lists and tournament play check out these shows:

XL: Summoning in Matched Play

[podbean resource=”episode=m54im-787b5b” type=”audio-rectangle” height=”100″ skin=”2″ btn-skin=”109″ share=”1″ fonts=”Helvetica” auto=”0″ download=”0″ rtl=”0″]

This episode I’m joined by Tim Lind of Tronhammer and @TronhammerNZ on Twitter.  We cover summoning in matched play, with a particular focus on Death.  Summoning, and reinforcement points, is an area of the game which can lead to confusion, especially for newer players.  In this show, we:

  • set out the rules for summoning
  • provide advice on how to take into account summoning in list-writing and
  • cover some tips and tactics for using summoning on the table.

I’ve set out our draft show notes below, but it is definitely worth listening to the show as we elaborate on these notes.

NB: Note that with the Legions of Nagash Battletome there have been significant changes to summoning which affect the content of this show.   Check out the initial impressions show on the Nagash battletome.

What is Summoning in Age of Sigmar?

Summoning is the ability to bring new units to the battlefield, or bringing back units that have been destroyed, over the course of a game.

This is done through the use of:

  • Spells, such as those found on most Seraphon warscrolls, and many Death or Daemon warscrolls.  These are cast in the same way as any spell in Age of Sigmar.  If the spell succeeds, you can place a unit of models from that warscroll within range of the caster (usually 18”), but not too close to the enemy (usually more than 9” away).
  • Abilities, found on individual warscrolls like Neferata’s Mortarch of Blood rule. Abilities can vary in the way they can summon models. In the case of Neferata, every time she slays an enemy HERO she can summon a Vampire Lord.
  • Army or Battalion abilities, such as the Heralds of the God King ability on the Hammers of Sigmar Warrior Chamber warscroll battalion. This ability summons a unit of Liberators to the battlefield each time one of the Liberator units is destroyed on the roll of a 6.

We will cover many of these spells and abilities later on in the show.

In Open or narrative play, there are no restrictions, other that what players agree among themselves, to what can be summoned to the battlefield. However, our focus will be on Summoning in Matched Play.

In Matched Play, each time a new unit (or a destroyed unit is brought back) to the battlefield, it costs ‘Reinforcement Points’. This cost limits amount of models that are able to be added to the army so that the odds do not become too overwhelming!

Why Summoning?

Like deployment mechanics, it is a way for various armies to gain some tactical flexibility – one of the many ways AOS opens up to such a range of possibilities. You can:

  • Keep your opponent guessing – make them account for a wider range of possibilities, as they don’t know what troops you will bring to the field, or where they will drop. This forces them to make choices – and as Dan says, every choice is a chance for a mistake. This is the most important one, and it doesn’t come across ‘on paper’. It allows you to control the game, so long as your summoning is reliable enough. The more you keep in reserve, the more your opponent has to guess.
  • Counter your opponent’s threats. Road blocks, extra chaff, scalpels, objective scoring, board control.
  • Make your list more flexible. Keep the allegiance you want but still use warscrolls from outside that allegiance, beyond the allies allowance.

What are reinforcement points?

Reinforcement points are a pool of points set aside, out of your total army’s points allocation, out of which you can summon units. I might write a list with 1,600 points worth of units, and specify a pool of 400 reinforcement points, for a total of 2,000 points. Note that summoning does not increase the army beyond the points limit.

So why bother with summoning then? This is a question I hope we can answer by the end of the show, as there are many reasons why summoning is a useful mechanic to take advantage of.

Let’s start with how to build a list with reinforcement points, which will allow us to summon during the game!

Building a list with reinforcement points

As mentioned before, you need to set aside a portion of your army’s points as Reinforcement Points. If you are playing a 2,000 point game, the minimum units you need to have on your list are a hero to be your general, and three units of battleline. Other than those four units, you can fill the remainder of your list with Reinforcement Points, or (probably more sensibly) leave a smaller amount.

To decide how many points you want to set aside, you will want to plan what units you are going to summon first. And this is really where most of the thinking has to happen. Here are some of the main considerations:

  • What strategic gaps do you have in your army? Do you need to summon chaff, heroes, fast units, roadblocks, monsters?
  • What abilities do your units have that you need reinforcement points for? For example, the Flamespyre’s Phoenix Reborn ability. If you want to make use of the rebirth you need to make sure you have enough Reinforcement points to pay for it. If it is an ability that will seldom trigger,  Neferata’s ability for example, you might decide not to bother, as you might not even get to use the points, which would be a waste.

Some advantages to consider:

  • Allegiance restrictions
    • Summoned units are not part of your army list, so you can summon units that you could not normally take due to allegiance restrictions. A Death army with the Deathrattle allegiance for example, wants the Grave Guard to be battleline, but also want to take a Terrorgheist. No worries! Just take a Necromancer as an ally, and summon that thing! So long as you are lucky on the dice.
  • Choosing the right tool for the job
    • You can summon different units in each game. So at a tournament,  playing Duality of Death battleplan you might want to summon a hero or behemoth to help take objectives. Later in the tournament, playing Battle for the Pass, you might instead want to summon some more rank and file to help overwhelm objectives.
    • You also have a toolbox with which to counter specific threats from different armies. If you know you will be facing an army with lots of rend, you could summon Nighthaunt units, who ignore it. Of against armies with low bravery, a Terrorgheist to make the most of the Death Shriek.
  • Final list size and triumphs
  • Why have a large summoning pool?
    • Flexibility
    • Risk that units will never make the table
  • Scenery – now use reinforcement points, so do not need to be included on your list. Most obvious example is Balewind Vortex, which every grand alliance can use.

What about scenery? Do you need to name it on the list? Or can you leave yourself the option to not summon a vortex?

Tournament house rules / etiquette

  • Disclosing the possible things you could summon vs sealed mystery box under the table
  • Scoring against summoned units

How do you summon new units during the game?

  • Spells and abilities to be aware of
    • There are many, I will cover some below. Mostly Undead, Seraphon, daemons.
  • Some spells allow you to bring more models to the table if you roll high enough on the cast roll. Still have to pay for these units.
  • Sneaky tactics etc – “within” vs “wholly within”
  • Summoning at the bottom of a turn if you want to get units into combat – 9” distance vs charging
  • Summon a caster who then summons balewind (or more units) – daisy-chaining
  • Do you get the kill points if you kill the caster before the summoned units are on the board?

Reinforcing existing units

  • Banners
    • Which models can you restore (ie bring back 5 banners when you only had one in the unit to start)?
  • Spells for regrowing units
  • Do we want to cover Horrors splitting?  Probably worth just a mention and then move on, otherwise the show will be very long.

Resurrecting models

  • Models that “die” and come back – when you pay points – clearing up any confusion

Examples of Great Uses for Summoning

Death Builds

  • Nagash
    • casting bonuses, unit size doubling – getting more to the table faster and more reliably. Can start with min battleline and summon whole army.  If your opponent doesn’t know what you are fielding, or where they will be, forces them to make choices and have to account for extra possibilities.
    • Solid choice is skeleton warriors, but it’s useful for Grave Guard, multiple heroes and monsters. Still have to pay the points.
  • Arkhan
    • Similar to Nagash for reliability, some extra range. Rather than summoning whole army, you use ‘scalpel’ – right thing for the right target in the right place.
  • Other
    • Stack casting bonuses with Morghast, Mortis Engine, Corpse Cart, Arcane terrain, allegiance abilities.
    • Majestic Horror for FEC
    • Master of Black Arts – Wight Kings or Wraiths into wizards
    • Sword of Unholy power – free summon spell. Instead for 10+ to cast
  • What to summon
    • Mourngul for debuff and to hold down flank
    • Grave Guard for the damage
    • Morghast Harbingers for charging same turn
    • Morghast Archai for reaching over chaff
    • Terrorgheist for low bravery
    • Skeletons/Zombies for extra flak
    • Cairn Wraiths for hero

Further Reading




Masterclass: Rhellion on how to win with net lists

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Today is the second AoS Masterclass episode, in which I chat with top-tier tournament gamers about Age of Sigmar tactics and how to improve at tournament play.

This time I’m joined by top US tournament gamer, Brad Schwandt (or Rhellion all over the internet).  Brad is from South East Michigan and his recent accolades include:

  • 1st Best Overall at:
    • Blood in the Sun GT 2016
    • Waaaghpaca 2017
    • Adepticon 2017 team tournament
    • Midwest Meltdown
    • Michigan GT
  • 4th and Best Destruction at Adepticon GT 2017

How to improve at Age of Sigmar tournament play

We discuss list design, matched play under General’s Handbook 2017, and improving your play on the tabletop.  In short, “how to win with a net list in one easy step…”  (contents of show aren’t quite so facetious).

Brad covers the current meta, how he practices with his list and the things he takes into account when playing Age of Sigmar.

Disciples of Tzeentch winning army list

Brad’s winning list at the Michigan GT was:

Lord of Change, magical supremacy, rod, tzeentch’s firestorm
Kairos, unstable mutation
Blue Scribes, fold reality
Changeling, arcane transformation
Herald of Tzeentch, bolt of tzeentch
Gaunt Summoner, draught, glimpse future

10 pink horrors, treason of tzeentch
10 pink horrors, unstable mutation
10 pink horrors, bolt of tzeentch
10 blue horrors
10 brimstone horrors

250 summoning / reserve

You can find Brad on Twitter as @Rhellion and me as @antipodean7.

If you like the Masterclass format, you can check out my Masterclass show with Tony Moore, Team England AoS captain.

Still keen to hear feedback, questions you would have asked, suggestions of people you’d want to hear from 🙂 get in touch & let me know!

GHB2017 – Factions / Allegiances and new FAQs

This morning, Games Workshop released on the Community site an updated Chaos FAQ, some new Monstrous Arcanum warscrolls and commented on the issue many gamers have had with understanding how factions, allegiances and allies work in Chaos armies.

The key bit on factions and allies is:

Since the release of the General’s Handbook 2017, we’ve been listening to your feedback, and we’ve received a number of questions on how Chaos allegiance abilities work. We’d like to clarify that all references to ‘Blades of Khorne’, ‘Disciples of Tzeentch’, ‘Hosts of Slaanesh’ and ‘Nurgle Rotbringers’, are synonymous with ‘Khorne’, ‘Tzeentch’, ‘Slaanesh’ and ‘Nurgle’ respectively. For example, a Blades of Khorne army can also, and interchangeably, be referred to as a Khorne army.

For instance, a “Hosts of Slaanesh” army with Hosts of Slaanesh allegiance abilities could include Mortal units with the Slaanesh keyword from Slaves to Darkness, and a Khorne army could mix units from the Khorne Bloodbound list with the Daemons of Khorne list and the Slaves to Darkness. Similarly, a Nurgle army could combine Nurgle Rotbringers, Daemons of Nurgle and even Clans Pestilens units under the Nurgle allegiance abilities.

All (hopefully) straight-forward.  I’ll have a show out early next week on how factions, allegiances, allies, Chaos marks and the new Firestorm rules work together so you’ll have everything wrapped up in one place.

In the mean time, check out over on the Resources page:

  • the updated “all-in-one” FAQ – all the FAQs and Forgeworld scrolls in a text-searchable and indexed PDF; and
  • the Allies matrix showing you who can ally with whom at a glance.



Masterclass: Tony Moore

The first Masterclass interview for AoS Shorts – a series of interviews with top tournament Age of Sigmar gamers from around the world about how they approach the game.

[podbean resource=”episode=8wd4p-778aa1″ type=”audio-rectangle” height=”100″ skin=”2″ btn-skin=”109″ share=”1″ fonts=”Helvetica” auto=”0″ download=”0″ rtl=”0″]

We cover everything from list-building, preparing for a tournament and play on the table-top.

Today I’m joined by Tony Moore, team England captain and current #3 in the UK Age of Sigmar rankings. Tony has had great success with both Disciples of Tzeentch and Death.

You can find Tony at @thecountmoore on Twitter and on  The UK Age of Sigmar ranking are available here.

Check out all the other Masterclass interviews on the site.  Each successful tournament gamer has given their own impressions on the tournament meta and how you can improve.  The shows are definitely worth checking out.

As always, you can find me at @antipodean7, and AoS Shorts on Facebook.