AoS Shorts: Your Essential Guide to Age of Sigmar

Army Showcase: Danny Cashman’s Kharadron Overlords

As some of you may have seen, Danny Cashman’s Kharadron Overlords army swept the painting and sportsmanship awards at the Games Workshop Age of Sigmar Grand Tournament Heat 2 this last weekend.  In an absolutely amazing effort, Danny won every single painting category, except for “best unit”:

  • Best hero
  • Best behemoth
  • Best army nomination
  • Best army trophy
  • Favourite player
  • Favourite player trophy
  • Knight of the inner circle trophy

Its rare that an army has such an impact on an event, so I just had to try and get some pictures from him to share with everyone.

Kharadron Overlords

Now, the Warhammer Community team has taken some professional photos of Danny’s army, so look out for the article soon, but in the mean time.  Here are all the great pics Danny had to hand.

For more of Danny, check out his Instagram.  For more about Heat 2, check out the results and top lists in my coverage post.

Age of Sigmar Grand Tournament Heat 2 Lists and Results

Hey all, the Games Workshop Age of Sigmar Grand Tournament Heat 2 was held at Warhammer World over this last weekend.  You can catch up on the games and the atmosphere over on the Warhammer Twitch stream.

Heat 2 Results

The top 3 were:

Check out their lists and the full results below.   If you are interested in other top tournament lists and results, check out the archive.  Also, give Gary’s Masterclass show on his Kharadron Overlords lists a listen – great insights 🙂

And in terms of the hobby, it really was the Danny Cashman awards – you can check out pictures of the painting nominations and Danny’s Ironclad below.   But Danny took out:

  • Best hero
  • Best behemoth
  • Best army nomination
  • Best army trophy
  • Favourite player
  • Favourite player trophy
  • Knight of the inner circle trophy

Well done Danny!  For pictures of Danny’s army check out his Army Showcase and his Instagram.

First place – Martin Morrin

Heat 2 lists

Second place – Mike Callahan

Heat 2 lists

Third Place – Gary Percival

Full Heat 2 Results

Painting Nominations

Here are a selection of photos of the armies nominated for painting awards.  The photos are courtesy of Scott who attended the event.  Hopefully they tide you over until official pics come out.

Also check out LED Nagash and Danny Cashman’s ridiculous Ironclad.

Adepticon Age of Sigmar Lists & Results

Well it looks like it was a great four days of gaming at Adepticon again this year.  In this post you will find the top Adepticon Age of Sigmar lists, results and all the awards.

For all the rest of the Adepticon coverage, including the Studio Preview and pictures check out my preview Adepticon post and the Idoneth Deepkin page.

The Adepticon Age of Sigmar Championships

The pinnacle of the weekend, 5 games, 2,000 pts, General’s Handbook 2017 with custom scenarios.  You can read the pack here or my summary here (including the custom scenarios played).

  • Best Overall
    • 1st – Sean Troy – Changehost
    • 2nd – Jeff Campbell-Crawley – Fyreslayers
    • 3rd – Adam Trunzo – Seraphon
  • Best in Grand Alliances
    • Chaos – Joe Krier
    • Death – Brendan Melnick
    • Destruction – Scooter Walters
    • Order – Chai Tzola
  • Best Appearance
    • 1st – Terry Pike
    • 2nd – Mike Scalletti
    • 3rd – Chris Slye
  • Best Sports
    • 1st – Mark Mitzman
    • 2nd – Jacob Berry
    • 3rd – Patrick Gannon

You can now see the top 21 lists (organised by battle points, so no sports or paint) here.

Sean Troy – 1st

Jeff Crawley – 2nd

Chai Tzola – 3rd


Full results available here on Warscore or here as a Google Sheet for editing.   The results are now broken down by Grand Alliance, and also show the primary, secondary and tertiary battle point scores.

Thanks to Sam Valdez and PlasticCraic I can share some charts with you analyzing the results.


Average rank for battle point (i.e. lower is better performing)


Average rank for painting score (i.e. lower is better performing)


Lists to come when available.


The Adepticon Age of Sigmar Team Tournament

The doubles tournament – 2×1000 point armies, GHB2017, custom scenarios.  Check out the pack  here or my summary.

  • Best Overall
    • 1st – Sean Troy and Stephen Thompson
    • 2nd – Kaleb Walters and Scooter Walters
    • 3rd – Andrew Standiferd and Miles Hamrick
  • Best in Grand Alliances
    • Chaos – David Fields and Paul
    • Death – Brendan Melnick and Mark Tobin
    • Destruction – Frank Lattyak and Nick Simone
    • Order – Andrew Standiferd and Miles Hamrick
    • Unaligned – Zachary Caschetta and Brian Zlotorzycki
  • Best Appearance
    • 1st – Chris Slye and Jason Zajac
    • 2nd – Michael Butcher and Andrew Simons
    • 3rd – Kelly Freiberg and Wayne Kemp
  • Best Sports
    • 1st – David Griffin and Jacob Burleson
    • 2nd – Carson Burns and Adam Pyle
    • 3rd – Ryan Kopina and Ben Boyd

The top 14 team lists are here.

Sean Troy & Stephen Thompson – 1st

Scooter & Kaleb Walters – 2nd

Andrew Standiferd & Miles Hamrick – 3rd

Full updated results and as Google Sheet.

The Adepticon Vanguard Tournaments

On Thursday, there were two Vanguard Tournaments (one in the morning, one in the evening) 1,000 point, 3 round event.  A great loosener for the events ahead.

You can find a full copy of the pack here but the key points are the same as those covered above for the other events.

AM Vanguard Awards

  • Best Overall
    • 1st – Chris Slye
    • 2nd – Kaleb Walters
    • 3rd – Thomas Lyons
  • Best General
    • Chaos: Kaleb Walters
    • Death: Brendan Melnick
    • Destruction: Scooter Walters
    • Order: Patrick Brynildson
  • Best Sports
    • 1st – Ben Boyd
    • 2nd – Dan Heelan
    • 3rd – Thomas Lyons
  • Appearance: Steve Herner

Full Warscore results or as a Google Sheet.

PM Vanguard Awards

  • Best Overall
    • 1st – Bryan Carmichael
    • 2nd – Kaleb Walters
    • 3rd – Donnie Goerlitz
  • Best General
    • Chaos: Kaleb Walters
    • Death: Shaun Clarke
    • Destruction: Scooter Walters
    • Order: Marvin Sims
  • Best Sports
    • 1st – Andrea Schwandt
    • 2nd – Stuart Gateley
    • 3rd – Eric Rehm
  • Appearance: Kit Reisch

Full Warscore results or as a Google Sheet.

The Adepticon Youngbloods

Results coming.

Adepticon 2018 – Age of Sigmar!!!!

If you are looking for the awards, results and lists from the Adepticon Age of Sigmar events go to my Adepticon results page.

Hey everyone, today is a quick preview post on all the great Age of Sigmar events at Adepticon 2018.  Held over March 22nd – 25th, at the Renaissance Schaumburg (Chicago, USA),  Adepticon is nirvana for tabletop wargamers.  Into its 16th year, it hosts over 4,000 attendees playing, hanging out, exploring all the stores and stalls as well as learning from the world’s masters at numerous hobby seminars.   Adepticon also hosts the Crystal Brush, the world’s pre-eminent miniature painting competition.  This really is the world’s greatest tabletop wargaming convention:

  • over 340 tournament and event games (board games, miniature games, role-playing games and more)
  • over 140 hobby seminars
  • over 100 exhibitors

Expect lots of updates all over social media as there is a strong travelling UK contingent for Age of Sigmar this year.  Follow @AdeptiCon_AOS for photos, results and coverage.

Adepticon 2018 Age of Sigmar tournaments

There are four Age of Sigmar events at Adepticon this year:

  • the Championships;
  • the Team Tournament;
  • the Vanguard Tournament; and
  • the Youngbloods Tournament.

Alex is the Age of Sigmar tournament organiser and does a stellar job, ably assisted by Domus and others.

You can find all the details of the Warhammer Live coverage here.

Adepticon Adepticon

The Adepticon Age of Sigmar Championship

The premier Age of Sigmar event of the weekend – the Championships.  As you’d expect, it is being covered live all weekend on Warhammer TV.

You can find a full copy of the pack here but the key points are:

  • 2,000 points, General’s Handbook 2017.
  • Custom scenarios with secondary objectives (see gallery below)
  • Firestorm allegiance abilities not in play.
  • If at any time you or your opponent has no models left on the table with no additional units to set up after the game begins, the game is over immediately.
  • Balewind Vortex: A Balewind Vortex cannot be placed anywhere within 7” of an Objective. If an objective lands within that distance (such as from Starstrike or Gifts of the Heavens), then you will move the Vortex and accompanying Hero by shortest route away from the Objective until it is no longer within 7”.
  • Legions of Nagash Gravesites: With regards to sizes of the Gravesites, all distances involving Gravesites will be measured from the center of the marker. We certainly encourage creativity, however, please bring flat markers on the same base sizes if you choose to create your own. Remember these are not terrain features, and as such can be moved upon, do not block line of sight, or targeted by abilities that affect terrain.
  • Nurgle: Feculent Gnarlmaws:- No more than 1 Feculent Gnarlmaw can be set up within 6″ of an objective marker, and no Feculent Gnarlmaw can be set up within 3″ of an objective marker. This is done to prevent players from zoning off objective markers.
  • Scoring:
    • 60% for Battle and Objectives
    • 20% for Sportsmanship
    • 20% for Appearance


The Adepticon Age of Sigmar Team Tournament

The doubles tournament at Adepticon always seems lots of fun and is again being run on the Friday.

You can find a full copy of the pack here but the key points are:

  • 2 x 1,000 point armies, GHB2017
  • Scenarios announced on the day.
  • One general per side is selected to be the team’s Warlord.
  • Rules for Coalition of Death will be used (pages 14-16 of GHB 2017), with the following that will NOT be in effect: Their Finest Hour, Fog of War, & Divine Intervention.
  • If at any time your team or your opponents’ team has no models left on the table with no additional units to set up after the game begins, the game is over immediately.
  • The additional Allegiance Abilities from the Firestorm supplement will not be in use.
  • Balewind Vortex: A Balewind Vortex cannot be placed anywhere within 7” of an Objective. If an objective lands within that distance (such as from Starstrike or Gifts of the Heavens), then you will move the Vortex and accompanying Hero by shortest route away from the Objective until it is no longer within 7”.
  • The Garden of Nurgle: If both players on a team are using the Nurgle Allegiance Ability, then each team places one Feculant Gnarlmaw at the start of the game, not each player.
  • Khorne Blood Tithe: If both players on a team are using the Khorne Allegiance Ability, then the team keeps track of units destroyed to use as Blood Tithe instead of each player keeps individual track of Blood Tithe.
  • Legions of Nagash Gravesites: With regards to sizes of the Gravesites, all distances involving Gravesites will be measured from the center of the marker. We certainly encourage creativity, however, please bring flat markers on the same base sizes if you choose to create your own. Remember these are not terrain features, and as such can be moved upon, do not block line of sight, or targeted by abilities that affect terrain.
  • Legions of Nagash Gravesites: If both players on a team are using allegiance abilities with The Unquiet Dead battle trait, then a total of 4 Gravesites will be set up for both players on that team to use.
  • Nurgle Cycle of Corruption: If there are multiple players in a game using the Nurgle Allegiance Ability, then all players use one Cycle of Corruption as per normal rules.
  • Nurgle: Feculent Gnarlmaws:– No more than 1 Feculent Gnarlmaw can be set up within 6″ of an objective marker, and no Feculent Gnarlmaw can be set up within 3″ of an objective marker. This is done to prevent players from zoning off objective markers.
  • Tzeentch Destiny Dice: If both players on a team are using the Tzeentch Allegiance Ability, then each team only generates one (1) pool of 9 Destiny Dice that can be used by either player, instead of each player generating their own pool of 9 Destiny Dice.
  • Summon Daemons of Nurgle: If both players on a team are using the Nurgle Allegiance Ability, then the team will share a single pool of Contagion Points, not two separate pools.
  • Sylvaneth Wyldwoods: If both players on a team are using the Sylvaneth Allegiance Ability, then each team only deploys one (1) Sylvaneth Wyldwood as described in the Allegiance Ability, instead of each player deploying a Wyldwood each.
  • Ur-gold Runes: If both players on a team are using the Fyreslayer Allegiance Ability, then each team will only use one Rune at a time and it will affect both armies when used. Your team can only use each Rune once as per normal rules.
  • Scoring:
    • 60% for Battle and Objectives
    • 20% for Sportsmanship
    • 20% for Appearance


The Adepticon Age of Sigmar Vanguard Tournament

On Thursday, there are two Vanguard Tournaments (one in the morning, one in the evening) 1,000 point, 3 round event.  A great loosener for the events ahead.

You can find a full copy of the pack here but the key points are the same as those covered above for the other events.

So the awards results are out now:

AM Vanguard Awards

  • Best Overall
    • 1st – Chris Slye
    • 2nd – Kaleb Walters
    • 3rd – Thomas Lyons
  • Best General
    • Chaos: Kaleb Walters
    • Death: Brendan Melnick
    • Destruction: Scooter Walters
    • Order: Patrick Brynildson
  • Best Sports
    • 1st – Ben Boyd
    • 2nd – Dan Heelan
    • 3rd – Thomas Lyons
  • Appearance: Steve Herner

PM Vanguard Awards

  • Best Overall
    • 1st – Bryan Carmichael
    • 2nd – Kaleb Walters
    • 3rd – Donnie Goerlitz
  • Best General
    • Chaos: Kaleb Walters
    • Death: Shaun Clarke
    • Destruction: Scooter Walters
    • Order: Marvin Sims
  • Best Sports
    • 1st – Andrea Schwandt
    • 2nd – Stuart Gateley
    • 3rd – Eric Rehm
  • Appearance: Kit Reisch


The Adepticon Age of Sigmar Youngbloods

A Saturday, 1,500 point, GHB2017 event for young players.  A copy of the pack is here.

Adepticon 2018 Age of Sigmar lists

Lists are due on the day but the kind tournament organisers at Adepticon have agreed to send me copies of the top lists as soon as the weekend is over.  So I’ll have them up here as soon as possible.

Games Workshop Adepticon Studio Reveals

As well as all the great Age of Sigmar events, Games Workshop will also be in attendance this year hosting studio reveals, Black Library events and hobby tutorials.   Check out the long list here.

Games Workshop Studio Preview

Day: Wednesday | Start Time: 8:00 PM | End Time: 10:00 PM | Category: Special Events | Event Type: Special Event | Materials Provided: Yes | Age Requirements: Everyone (6+) | Capacity Full | Total Capacity: 400 | Experience Required: None

View Description

The Studio reveals will be highly anticipated – last year Kharadron Overlords were announced and shown, and this year we all expect to see more about Idoneth Deepkin.  I’ll update this section with the details as we get them.

Idoneth Deepkin

For all the details check out the Idoneth Deepkin page. and the Warhammer Community. There are potted highlights below.

Idoneth Deepkin



Idoneth Deepkin Idoneth Deepkin Idoneth Deepkin Idoneth Deepkin


Storm of Magic: Malign Portents

So, I’ve been thinking about this since the reveal, and watching the Facebook Live video.  I think we will be getting a return to the Storm of Magic as a consequence of Malign Portents.  Magic is previewed to have a concrete and more substantive influence on the games, including what I can only guess is a Purple Sun (an old Warhammer Fantasy spell) in this video.

Black Coach and Nighthaunt Battletome?


So for me this looks like a new Black Coach model, and presumably an accompanying Nighthaunt battletome.  Let’s hope we saw more Death fleshed out around the Legions 🙂

Warhammer Legends: A Home for Heroes

Rules for old Warhammer units in Age of Sigmar

Warhammer Legends will be the new home of rules for classic and fan-favourite miniatures. While not intended for matched play, they’ll still be great for anyone looking to forge epic narratives or who wants to see how the heroes of yesteryear fare against the newer champions from the Age of Sigmar.

As part of Warhammer Legends, we’ll be running Made to Order waves designed to let you finish classic collections or pick up some seminal kits from days gone by. The first of these will be focusing on the Dark Elves.

An Age of Sigmar collectable card game? Yup, that’s totally happening.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Champions is being developed by PlayFusion.  The game is intended to have physical and virtual elements with AR (think activation animation etc).


  • two new factions (looks like Nighthaunt is one)
  • cards through to 557 this year
  • new boards coming, but not yet.


Crystal Brush – the world’s pre-eminent miniature painting competition

The Crystal Brush at Adepticon is always mindblowing.  Just check out last year’s top three!

Further reading

As all of the hobby world is descending on Adepticon, there is lots of great coverage out there.  I’ll think as much as I can here:


Fall of the Old World – Scottish Age of Sigmar tournament

So this weekend sees the next in the series of the Fall of the Old World tournaments – another great event for the Age of Sigmar Scotland scene.  Held at Common Ground Games, Stirling, The Fall of the Old World IV: The Reforging will be a great weekend of gaming.

Kevin (@yarrickson) picks up the reins from John Harper for this 2,000 point Age of Sigmar tournament.

You can find the pack here, and all the lists including commentary here, as well as over in the tournament list archive.

UPDATE: the full results are here.  Congrats to John Bayliss (Chaos), Leigh Martin (Order) and Mike Callaghan (Les Martin TM Stormcast) for taking the podium.

If you are running an event, I’d love for you to get in touch, either through this site or Twitter, so I can share your event, pack and lists with the wider Age of Sigmar community.

If you want to know more about Age of Sigmar in Scotland, check out the following resources:




AoS Shorts Competition – your great advice!

Hi all, so I ran a competition on Twitter asking for people to submit their best “AoS Shorts” – whether it was strategy advice, a lore snippet or an epic battlefield tale.  As long as it fitted in 280 characters, it counted.  The winner would get a pair of realmgates posted worldwide.

Now, I got a lot of great entries, so I wanted to set them all out here organised by category 🙂  In the end it was a tough call, with Drakira4’s great all-round advice, Anthony’s chess advice, Dillon’s root kings, Nico’s contrarian matched play advice, threat ranges and retreating all up there.  But in the end, I went for the choice that combined as much advice as possible into a single tweet, in true AoS Shorts style, and that was @Drakira4.  Congratulations, the realmgates are in the post.

Hopefully, I’ll get the opportunity to run some more competitions in the future!

Age of Sigmar matched play and strategy advice

  • Strategic Advice I follow from Chess Mastermind Arthur Bisguier; *Look at your opponent’s move; *Make the best possible move, *Have a plan *Know what the pieces are worth *Control the center *Keep your king safe, *Know when to trade pieces, *Think about the end game, *Always be alert
    • @anthonymagro


  • My #aosshorts happens ever time I am teaching someone new to AoS. When I let them make their first charge, pile in, and attacks I always back them up and explain how to stop your charge 1/2″ away in order to maximize pile in and watch their eyes light up with potential tactics.
    • @odiamh


  • #aosshorts Laugh when things go wrong. Take the strategy seriously, maybe not so much the game; the dice will abandon you at some point! Just shake it off and play into it. Even better if you’re an army of lunatics like goblins or rats! 😀
    • @sonicsledge


  • #aosshorts new matched player advice? 1. Pick an army you are drawn to! 2. Play it until you know your scrolls off by heart. 3. Play scenarios till you know them by heart. 4. The hardest stage – “know thy enemy”. Complete 2&3 and you ALWAYS have a chance. No matter the situation
    • @Drakira4


  • #aosshorts Have fun, and make sure your opponent does as well.
    • @the_john_harper


  • #aosshorts Contrarian Matched Play Advice (1) play with as many different armies as you can (build, borrow, swap with club mate for a game); and (2) read every Warscroll/Battalion and know the gist of what it does. You’ll see things coming on the table and rarely be surprised.
    • @niconarwhal


  • #aosshorts My biggest tactical revelation came when I stopped looking at Movement/Charge/Weapon Range separately and began looking at their sum to get to “maximum threat ranges” that represent units’ abilities to reach out and hit things.
    • @Nashofsigmar


  • #aosshorts – don’t forget you have the option to retreat. So many people throw away opportunities to get a result by submitting to the grind, where key pieces may be pinned. Consider a strategic withdrawal to a good spot for the following turn and move up a screen if needs be.
    • @AOSBatrep


  • #aosshorts I’ve never ended a game and thought, “I wish I’d retreated less”
    • @PlasticCraic


  • For the special tactics, always consider the idea of leaving the first turn to your adversary, many players will try and advance as much as they can, and will end up with their army in the middle of the battlefield, completely exposed to charges and ranged attacks!
    • @epicmay2


  • #aosshorts once I have my army list figured out. I make a checklist for each phase to go through so I don’t forget all of the combos and special abilities! Really helps especially in tournaments where time can be an issue.
    • @GLWL1


  • Download OneNote and make a list of ALL the the abilities your army has when in what phase you need to use them so that you never miss that extra save or forget that spell you picked! My biggest issue is forgetting useful tools I have at my disposal!
    • @ArtefactofDeath


  • #aosshorts Allow your opponent to reposition models slightly from an already-moved unit in the same movement phase, but don’t demand the same courtesy. As we know, placement is critical in AoS. It’s easy to make mistakes when strict sequencing is enforced.
    • @scrubyandwells


  • My best “AoS short” is… …
    • @Rhellion
    • ED: Brad graciously referencing his own Masterclass interview…


  • #aosshorts want to get better? Play against @Rhellion all the time! LOL still working on getting that first W, but I’ll get there!
    • @EDejmal


  • My fav was this one on Threat Assessment. … It was also actually short which was everything I loved about your initial offerings. 😉 #aosshorts
    • @ginger_buddha


  • The Pallador Whisperer episode. I disbelieved. I mocked even the notion. Then St. Pallador himself revealed the secrets of the unit. I now own 6.
    • @Hobby_Bear


  • Get gud by following #aosshorts, simple as that. From gaming advice to lore in one place, AoS Shorts is the one stop short for all your shorting needs.
    • @Thornshield


Age of Sigmar lore and hobby snippets

  • #aosshorts : local community building steps. Make a club name, make a Facebook page for the club. Drop off flyers at shops. Play at as many different shops as possible. Make contacts through twitter and TGA. Plan events with something for all aspects of hobby
    • @NeilLarocca


  • #aosshorts 1. Always respect your opponent’s paint. If there is paint on the model.. they’re trying. 2. Always pick the army you like the look of first. 3. Read that bit of the battletome in the front, it’ll help with motivation to finish painting. 4. Spiders.. always Spiders..
    • @Pjschard


  • #aosshorts Malign Portents What we know so far.. Great Roundup of the lore!
    • @PJschard


  • Despite being very dead, Doggrok’s still in charge. His skull is carried around on a big stick by Weirdnob Shaman Ka-rokk, who channels Doggrok’s many commands from the other side. He’s even told them to paint war checks on their bold blue armour #aosshorts
    • @KheldarUK


  • Blight City, home the Skaven, is a smog-filled warren of industry and alchemy that clings to the edge of the Realm of Chaos. From this hidden city the Council of Thirteen governs all of Skavendom, and a thousand tunnels are gnawed through the fabric of reality. #aosshorts
    • @DistractdSatrap


  • Once, an unlucky Arch-Warlock, accompanied by a disciple of his, a Warlock Engineer, had to battle a host of Bloodletters and Skullcrushers, lead by a Blood-throne at their fore. Eventually, the two managed to survive, felling many daemons by lightning and steel!
    • @epicmay2


  • “Where is our lord? Oh, god of storms, why did you not save the bravest and wisest of us all? You cursed me to a thousand years of dreams, to ponder my weakness and my loss. I walk anew as a god among men. Yet, our king’s throne is empty of all but dust and echoes” #aosshorts
    • @CV_Consigliere


  • The diminutive half-men scattered across the realms are rightly feared. Those who fall in their hunts don’t die slowly, you see. Instead, the capricious monsters prefer that you languish inside their “hot pots” until ready for consumption
    • @darrenbogus


  • #aosshorts Little lore I’m working on: “As their blades interlocked both fighters strained with effort. Khael could smell its putrid breath even behind his face mask. Suddenly he stopped resisting & spinning with a flash of steel removed the enemies head as it stumbled forward.”
    • @bjakubow


  • Ironjawz Orruks have a paricularly unique way of respecting their dead. Those in Gordrakk’s own warband will take the heads of their fallen, fastening them to items like banners so that they may witness and participate in future waaaghs even in the afterlife. #aosshorts
    • @msdosferatu


  • The Moonclan tribes are barely sane at the best of times, so their invention of the Mangler Squig is hardly surprising. Essentially it is two Great Cave Squigs chained together, which are poked repeatedly until they’re utterly furious and then hurled at the enemy. #aosshorts
    • @Dangermouse425


  • #aosshorts I really enjoyed the last episode: Nagash, his story, lore and background. Half time old world and half time AoS. Perfect! Thanks
    • @settrarules


  • can we talk about root-kings for a hot second? Duardin living in the realm of life, making their homes deep underground (probably in tree roots) and their weapons out of seedpods and the like. Just imagine duardin with tree bark type stuff for armor, vine beards, etc. #aosshorts
    • @dillon_kw


  • Would love to hear more lore episodes. #aosshorts My favourite so far was the missions analysis. Really help refocussing the attention on the winning conditions.
    • @Dulesjoe

Age of Sigmar battlefield tales

  • This one time, at Masters, @mattwatkinson85 charged 9 Enlightened into the lone Kemmler, aka “Necromancer with Hat”. He attacked first with another unit, and in my activation I used Cloak of Mist and Shadows to zip out combat to safety and sit on a vacant objective… #aosshorts
    • @TronhammerNZ


  • #aosshorts My best AoS Short is make sure to deploy your Bloodsecrator in a safe place from Stormborn Slayers(or Other alpha strike) otherwise they’ll hit you with 4 star soul maces (or equivalent) bottom of round 1!
    • @LordBaerion


  • AoS Shorts, a great strategy tip I have from personal experience is always be careful of deadly terrain because you can always roll a 1 even after rolling 4 1’s on another unit. It’s best to stay clear unless you just want to risk it and play destruction like a beast and run it.
    • @Fraserb775


  • As @LordBaerion, @NashofSigmar and @MohawkMike138 will attest, 30 bloodletters with 2 Killing Frenzy Prayers and Damned Terrain, near a bloodletters hero with the Crimson Crown is fun INCARNATE. Mortal wounding and generating extra attacks on 2s to hit, rerolling 1s.
    • @bigjables


  • Last adepticon: my wrathmongers made a bloodthirster hit himself and he triggered his 8″ mortal wound explosion. He said “which of us takes the damage?” I said “let’s just blow everything up?” He agreed. There was an empty 8″ circle on the field and no thirster. Best #aosshorts
    • @ReverendDangles


  • New to the hobby so not got a lot to go on but so far my fav thing is playing with the gf & her plaguebearer basically saving several attacks by slufting away it’s skin and getting her a draw from the jaws of defeat. His name is now forever slufty and I hate him. #aosshorts
    • @anthonytpoole


  • #aosshorts In a Skirmish game I had one Dispossessed Warrior with axe and shield go toe-to-toe with a Megaboss for 4 whole turns before falling under the Orruks Choppa. He was able to hold the boss up and allowed his warband to achieve their objective.
    • @Brent_Buckland



Blood Tithe International Age of Sigmar Team Tournament – lists and results

This last weekend, the first Blood Tithe was held – an international Age of Sigmar team tournament held in London, United Kingdom involving twenty teams of four people playing five games, 2000pts, General’s Handbook 2017 matched play.  The event was run by Marc Wilson in a great debut event, in association with the South London Legion,, Dark Satanic Mills (terrain) and the London Grand Tournament.

In this post, you’ll find the Age of Sigmar team tournament pack, entrants, the Age of Sigmar lists from each team and the overall results.  Check out Marc’s Twitter feed and #bloodtithe for great photos and coverage of the weekend.

Finally, I’ve been compiling an international Age of Sigmar tournament pack and list archive to be a resource for Age of Sigmar players and tournament organisers.  If you are running an event, I’d love for you to get in touch, either through this site or Twitter, so I can share your event, pack and lists.

Blood Tithe, Age of Sigmar team tournament pack

Blood Tithe was a 5 game , 4-man team tournament, using a “Swiss Pairings” method for determining opponents from Round 2 onwards.

Age of Sigmar team pairings system

Like all team tournaments, a pairings system was used for the teams to determine individual match-ups within each round.   The aim for each team is to engineer the most favourable match-ups for their team on average (which can often mean some poor team member has to take one for the team in a very hard game).  This is how the pairings system worked at Blood Tithe:

  • Each team was given four cards marked on the reverse with one of with their four armies.
  • Team A – Chaos, Blades of Khorne, Stormcast, Destruction
  • Team B – Death, Order, Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth
  • Team A chooses to put forward Chaos (presented face down)
  • Team B chooses to put forward Order (presented face down)
  • Selections are revealed
  • Team A chooses to put down Blades of Khorne and Stormcast as options to play against  the Order (presented face down)
  • Team B chooses to put down Death and Sylvaneth as options to play against Chaos (presented face down)
  • Choices revealed 
  • Team A chooses between Death and Sylvaneth as to who Chaos will face, let͛’s say Death.
  • Team B chooses between Blades of Khorne and Stormcast as to who Order will face; let͛’s say Blades of Khorne.
  • Choices are revealed
  • The choice Team A refused faces the remaining card in Team B͛’s hand – Destruction
  • The choice Team B refused faces the remaining army in Team A͛’s hand – Fyreslayers
  • Resulting in:
    • Chaos v Death
    • Order v Blades of Khorne
    • Sylvaneth v Destruction
    • Fyreslayers v Stormcast

Age of Sigmar team list restrictions

There were also a couple of rules regarding list selection to encourage inventive team list design.  The fun of team tournaments is crafting a balanced set of lists across the team which can be paired into favourable match-ups.

  • No two armies on the same team may have a duplicate warscroll, nor a duplicate allegiance.

  • Units added via reserve points are not subject to these restrictions.

Secret Missions

As well as the five General’s Handbook 2017 scenarios, the event also had secret missions in play.   Each team was presented with a deck of four custom Secret Mission cards (identical for each team).  Before each game, but after individual pairings, these cards had to be divided up within the team before each game with each player receiving a maximum of two and minimum of zero cards.  As is clear from the name, players would keep these missions secret until they were achieved, at which point, they were revealed to their opponents.

  • Secret Mission 1: Incalculable numbers – Destroy any three enemy Battleline units.
  • Secret Mission 2: Precision Strike – Destroy the enemy General and / or two enemy Leader warscrolls by the end of battleround two.
  • Secret Mission 3: Bring down the beast – Destroy an enemy Behemoth with a Battleline unit in the Combat Phase.
  • Secret Mission 4: Sustained Attack – Destroy any two enemy units during your own turn – either by killing them or causing them to flee to battleshock. You must reveal this card in the turn in which yo u attempt it, at the beginning of the hero phase, before any other actions are taken.

Team scoring system

The following scoring system was in play.

  • Major Win: 30
  • Minor Win: 20
  • Draw: 15
  • Minor Loss: 10
  • Major Loss: 5
  • Secret Mission 5 (per mission)

Individual player points were capped at 30 points per round.  Total team points per round were capped at 100/50.

  • Tie Breaker 1 – Uncapped TP total.
  • Tie Breaker 2 – Most Secret Missions TPs.
  • Tie Breaker 3 – Most Major Victories.

For more information, you can find a full copy of the pack here (Blood Tithe Pack) and full details and discussion over at TGA.

Blood Tithe: entrants list

Team USA USA Arthur Treitl Justin Schenck Phillip Ball Anthony Sweat
Paris Peacocks FRA Pierre-Gilles Stehr Romain “Eretz” Bdlt François Tassaint Rémi Heraud
Team Norn NIR Andy Kane David Neagle Colin Cochrane John Dorrian
South London Leftovers ENG Craig Bowles John Burgess Declan Wynne Alex Clark
Team Carry Jones – Aberdeen SCO Ryhs Inglis Scott Gray Mark Tootill Ruairidh Jones
Cursed With Years ENG Paul Whitehead Adrian McWalter Simon Eccles Max Halford
SLL B-team ENG Leo Rautonen Rob Bradley Ben Savva Ben Murphy
Only the Filthful ENG Nicholas Ruesink-Brown Ben Raven James Grant Tom Lambert
Ninja Badgers ENG Paul Buckler Richard Buckler Lauire Hugget Wilde Richard Morley
Winners’ (?) ENG Jack Armstrong Craig Navmar Chris Myhill Mark Wildman
Crown of Champions GER Alexander Zwißler Dietmar Zwißler
Andreas Steckmeier
Charles Fryer
The Spoons /  Sweden ENG William Crankshaw Jonatan Edlund Andy Hughes Graham Dane
Team Norway NOR Alexander Nygård Christiam Sundvor TBC TBC
Team Hydra ENG Greg Dann Dan Comeau Joe McGough Mike Wills
Marauders ENG Tony Moore Tom Mawdsley Nigel Chorlton Mark Busby
Team Rocksteady ENG John Southgate Tomasz Namielski Jamie Field Johnny Armstrong
La Gauntinière FRA Guillaume Garnier Christophe Salemi Antoine Parrain Simon Blais
Team Wales WAL Tom Loyn TBC TBC TBC
Angel ENG Owyn Abrams Donal Taylor Matt Hinton Adam Cunis
I am Brucicus ENG Kieron A Will Barton Dan Bradshaw Darren Watson

Blood Tithe, Results

So the Blood Tithe results were:

  • Team Winners – Winners (?) (UK)
    • Jack Armstrong, Craig Navmar, Chris Myhill, Mark Wildman

Blood Tithe

  • Team Runners Up – I am Brucus (UK)
    • Kieran, Ric Myhill, Dan Bradshaw, Darren Watson

Blood Tithe

  • Team Third Place – Marauders (UK)
    • Tony Moore, Tom Mawdsley, Nigel Chorlton, Mark Busby

Blood Tithe

  • Best International Team – La Guantiniere (France)
    • Guillaume Garnier, Christophe Salemi, Antoine Parrain, Simon Blais

Blood Tithe

  • Best Sports – Crown of Champions (Germany)
    • Alexander Zwißler, Dietmar Zwißler, Andreas Steckmeier, Charles Fryer

Blood Tithe

Blood Tithe

Blood Tithe, Age of Sigmar team tournament lists

You can find the full set of lists here.

The winning team’s lists were:

A full list review with the Honest Wargamer is here.

More London Age of Sigmar Tournaments

If you are looking for more Age of Sigmar tournaments in London, check out the following:

Mile High Massacre: Age of Sigmar tournament

Hey there everyone!  The Mile High Massacre was run and won over the weekend of 3/4 March 2018 in Castle Rock, Colorado, USA.  In this post, you’ll find the tournament lists, results and all the details of the tournament pack.

Congratulations to Chad Graham for hosting a great event, Andrew Standiferd for taking out Best Overall and Elric Edge for taking out Best Tactician.   Check out their Twitter feeds for great photos and coverage of the event.

Finally, I’ve been compiling an international Age of Sigmar tournament pack and list archive to be a resource for Age of Sigmar players and tournament organisers.  If you are running an event, I’d love for you to get in touch, either through this site or Twitter, so I can share your event, pack and lists.

Mile High Massacre: Age of Sigmar tournament pack

Mile High Massacre was a 2000 points, five round tournament using the following scenarios:

  • Three Places of Power – Original GHB
  • Battle for the Pass – GHB 2017
  • Starstrike – GHB 2017
  • Dark Omens – Malign Portents
  • Heralds of Woe – Malign Portents

As well as the great mix of scenarios, it had a really interesting pack.  You could earn a maximum of 200 battlepoints over the five games (100 scenario points, 50 kill points, and 50 mission points).

  • Scenario points were awarded on a 20/0 (Major Victory), 14/6 (Minor Victory) and 10/10 (Draw) basis;
  • Kill points were awarded on a bracket system depending on the difference in points killed; and
  • Mission points were awarded for completing a mission which you would randomly select from either the easy, moderate or difficult objective piles.

The pack also contained a great painting checklist if you are looking for inspiration for a tournament you wish to run.

Mile High Massacre: Age of Sigmar tournament lists

You can find all the Age of Sigmar lists from the event here (and over at the tournament list archive).

Mile High Massacre: Age of Sigmar tournament results

The Mile High Massacre had the following awards up for grabs:

  • Champion – Most Combined Battle, Painting, and Sportsmanship Scores
  • Warlord – Most Battle Points
    • Randall Nelson
  • Artisan – Most Painting Points
  • Diplomat – Most Sportsmanship Points
    • Gabriel Cersonksy
  • Tactician – Most Mission Points
  • Destroyer – Most Kill Points
    • Randall Nelson

Mile High Massacre

Andrew Standiferd – Champion, Best Overall

Andrew Standiferd, two-time champion of the Las Vegas Open for Age of Sigmar, member of the Rolling Bad crew, and a soon to be guest on AoS Shorts for a Masterclass episode.  So tune in when the show drops and learn from Andrew.

Andrew took the following mixed-arms Stormcast Eternals tournament list.  A fourteen drop list of win played well.

Andrew Standiferd – Stormcast Eternals
Lord-Celestant on Dracoth
Command Trait : Staunch Defenders
Artifact : Mirrorshield
Judicators x5
Judicators x5
Liberators x5
Liberators x5
Liberators x5
Fulminators x2
Prosecutors with Stormcall Javelins x3
Prosecutors with Stormcall Javelins x3
Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows x3
Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows x3

Elric Edge – Tactician, most Mission Points

Elric, host of the Rolling Bad podcast (seriously, check it out), took an Iron Sky Command Kharadron Overlords list.

Elric Edge – Kharadron Overlords
Command Trait : Fleetmaster
Artifact : Aethershock Earbuster
Artifact : Staff of Ocular Optimization
Arkanaut Company x10
Arkanaut Company x10
Arkanaut Company x10
Arkanaut Ironclad
Endrinriggers x9
Endrinriggers x3
Skywardens x9
Iron Sky Command

Randall Nelson – Most Kill and Battle Points

Randall Nelson – Grand Host of Nagash
Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead
Artifact : Terrorgheist Mantle
Dire Wolves x5
Mortis Engine
Skeleton Warriors x40
Skeleton Warriors x40
Skeleton Warriors x20

ITC Age of Sigmar events

The ITC is a tournament circuit run by Frontline Gaming, a tabletop gaming business, in the USA.   Originally established for Warhammer 40k tournaments, the circuit has now expanded to cover Age of Sigmar tournaments as well.  For further information on the ITC Age of Sigmar tournament circuit, go here.

Nagash – his story, lore and background

Hi everyone, in today’s show I’ve decided to do something a little bit different, mainly thanks to the amazing help of local master of Death, Tim Lind.  As part of the Legions of Nagash release, and before we all get swept away with Daughters of Khaine, I wanted to record a show on Nagash, his lore, background and the Mortal Realms.  

[podbean resource=”episode=xswgk-8a3ad5″ type=”audio-rectangle” height=”100″ skin=”2″ btn-skin=”106″ share=”1″ fonts=”Helvetica” auto=”0″ download=”0″ rtl=”0″]

Nagash: mortal man to God of Death in the Mortal Realms

Nagash is a pillar of Warhammer – so we could easily have hours of in-depth coverage – but I’m going to stick to AoS Shorts form and try to distill the story into a show around 20 minutes long.  The first half of the show is background, it tells the origin of Nagash from the world-that-was through to the End Times.  Given it is ancient history for those living in the Mortal Realms, this part is told as a saga.  The second half of the show is more descriptive and lets you know the main Nagash story from the Age of Myth through to Malign Portents and the Time of Tribulations.

Expanding to cover all of Age of Sigmar – lore, hobby and tactics

This experiment is part of my aim for 2018 to expand into a resource for all of Age of Sigmar, including lore and background summaries, book reviews, articles and hobby tutorials.  It is a lofty goal but I have some great people who have already offered to help.  If you are keen on writing a page or so on your favourite Age of Sigmar topic let me know – it could be a good fit 🙂  The project is a work in progress through the year, please drop by the site and let me know what you think – is the page layout intuitive? Are we covering all the major topics you are interested in? What more would you like to see in order to help new and established players understand the scope and depth of the Mortal Realms?

Upcoming shows and new list archive

In terms of the rest of the podcast, I have plenty of tactics and strategy content lined up as well for the coming months, including the return of Masterclass shows with top UK and US gamers. In the last few weeks I have also added an international Age of Sigmar tournament list archive to the site, where you will find tournament packs, lists and analysis from the biggest events in the US, Australia, and New Zealand so far.  The archive will be a complement to the Bad Dice archive which covers the major UK tournaments and will hopefully be useful for those wanting to gain inspiration or scope out the meta.

Twitter competition – win a set of Realmgates!

I’m also running a competition over on my Twitter feed for a brand new set of Realmgates to run with the new release.  Simply follow me, and quote retweet this tweet with #aosshorts and your best tactics advice, lore snippet or epic battlefield tale that will fit in a tweet.  The competition runs to 3 March.  All the details are in the tweet.


Anyway, let’s start with the saga of Nagash.

The Saga of Nagash

Even the gods have beginnings.

The dread Master of Shyish has origins in a long-destroyed world, in an Age Before Time. And yet, there are those who remember them.

There are the Few – members of an empty pantheon, ancient in their own right, but whose memories of that time are well-guarded. And there are the Many – the souls of those tormented, oppressed and destroyed under the tread of The Great Necromancer’s monstrous ambition, who linger yet in the deepest catacombs of the numberless Underworlds of Shyish.  It is with them that answers can be gleaned, for those with the tenacity and bravery to seek them, and those with the nerve to listen to the tales they have to tell.

It began in Nehekhara

Such tales have but one origin – the land of ancient Nehekhara, where the second son of a 3rd dynasty monarch usurped his kingdom and his gods over a lust for power and a forbidden union. Corrupting the religious and superstitious rites of his own death-obsessed culture, with an ill-gained knowledge of Dark Magic harnessed from the very winds that covered the world, Nagash secured the loyalty of disaffected noblemen and military officials – plying them with an addictive, life-extending elixir that granted them power (at the cost of dependence and obedience). The most loyal of these was a wastrel son of a minor lord, who saw in Nagash a second chance at a life wasted.  Arkhan found new purpose in his service to the Usurper – an unshakeable bond that could survive even the end of the world.  Together, they took the throne of Khemri.


The Black Pyramid rises

As his cult continued to refine their control of the Dark Winds, the tyrannical reign of Nagash soon became decades, and then a century. An enormous Black Pyramid was erected from blocks of black warpstone and the mortar of a thousand-thousand slave corpses – not to honour the glorious dead, like the monuments of his predecessors, but to draw the Winds of Magic to Nehekhara.

Gradually, this colossal arcane locus killed the land around it. For the other Priest Kings of Nehekhara, this was one crime too many. They allied against Nagash, and in a decades long war, managed to kill his black lieutenants and sack the Black Pyramid.

Warpstone, Nagashizzar and transformation

Vowing vengeance, he fled north through the desert, and passed from the world of the living. But Nagash had transcended death. His magic-infused body refused to untether its final shackles, and he had at last become immortal. He explored the Sour Sea region, discovering a mother-lode of warpstone, and using it to enhance his studies into Dark Magic. Without the limits of a normal lifetime, he pushed the use of magic in ways the mortal races seldom achieved. Experimenting on the local tribes during this time, he became the first and greatest practitioner of Necromancy, and as the centuries passed he transformed the region into a land of death, building the great fortress of Nagashizzar with his new labour-force. As the land changed, so did his body, and Nagash became a towering, monstrous sorcerer-lord.



Ratmen from the under-kingdoms laid siege to Nagash’s new stronghold, eager for the vast warpstone riches within. After decades of warfare, and entire generations of Skaven spawned and slaughtered for this cause, The Great Necromancer struck a bargain with the verminous Council of Thirteen, and an uneasy alliance was forged. Slowly, Nagash’s attentions settled once again upon his former homeland.

Regaining Khemri and Nehekhara

An invasion was launched from along the coast – skeletal ships delivered legions of walking dead to the southeast, where the defences were weakest. Several of the royal lines of Nehekhara were revealed to be under Nagash’s sway, as they had experimented with the dark knowledge they found in the Black Pyramid. A war unlike any other on the face of the world was fought – the dead against the living. As the living died, the army of the dead grew. However, thanks to the charismatic Priest King Alcadizzar, Nehekhara was united, and Nagash’s war of attrition ultimately failed.

Furious, Nagash unleashed a punishment worthy of the most spiteful of tyrants upon his foes. His Skaven allies poisoned the River Vitae, decimating the population of Nehekhara. When he next marched upon Khemri, we was unopposed. Alcadizzar was hauled back to Nagashizzar, and made to watch as the Great Necromancer’s final plan came to sinister fruition – the resurrection of an entire continent; men, women, children, all his to command. An army he would use to conquer the living.

Nagash cut down

Nagash would learn much of betrayal in his long unlife. However, it’s possible that his first was the greatest. His Skaven allies, fearful in the wake of his Resurrection spell, released Alcadizzar and armed him with a blade, mighty and lethal beyond description. Nagash was cut down in his moment of supreme triumph, his remains burned, and his artefacts of power scattered.

But Nagash had transcended death. It took millennia, but his body finally reincorporated within his Black Pyramid. He awoke to a different world. The armies he had risen from the dead refused to obey. Travelling north, he discovered Nagashizzar overrun with Skaven, his massive warpstone reserves depleted. In order to regain his lost power he journeyed further north, in search of his artefacts, and found his crown in the possession of another charismatic warrior king (and oh how he hated charismatic warrior kings…).

The first engagement with Sigmar

This ‘Sigmar’ had united the tribes of men into an Empire, against which Nagash once again made war. He almost succeeded in killing this new rival, but was undone by the potent dwarven weapon wielded by the warrior king, and was once again banished to a millennia of reconstitution.

Arisen in the End Times

This time, Nagash ruled from beyond the grave with the patience of a god. He manipulated world events through his many puppets, until he deemed the time was right. His plans had to be accelerated with the advent of a new Everchosen, a chaos champion with the power and ambition to threaten his own existence. Guided by his unseen hand, Arkhan had gathered his staff, sword, crown and armour, and in a mighty ritual he was reborn. This time, his power was greater than it had been for over 2,000 years, for he had incarnated within a massive portion of the Winds of Magic – the Amethyst wind;  Shyish.

Legions of Nagash

Time, he sensed, had grown short, and even this amount of power was not enough. Nagash made his final return to Nehekhara, and destroyed it. Utterly. He sought what remained of his people’s gods in the underworlds, and devoured them. He sought the god-seed of the Dwarven god, Valaya, and devoured it. Even this was not enough to halt the tide of darkness on the horizon.


Preservation was ever Nagash’s ultimate goal, and this time circumstances dictated an alliance with the living. In what would become the final stand in the survival of his world, Nagash stood alongside gods and kings, enemies old and new, and lent them the last of his power.


But the souls of those tormented, oppressed and destroyed under the tread of The Great Necromancer’s monstrous ambition were many, and betrayal was ever close at hand. The Incarnates failed, and the world at last was lost.

However, Nagash had transcended death… and even the gods have beginnings.


Nagash in the Mortal Realms

Nagash in the Age of Myth

After the cataclysm of the world that was, it was Sigmar who first came across Nagash’s shattered essence, buried under a mountain-cairn in Shyish.  The God King, Sigmar freed Nagash.  Nagash joined Sigmar’s pantheon and took responsibility for protecting Shyish from Chaos.  Since that day, Nagash has laid claim to all of Shyish.


Through this Age, civilisations thrived, even in Shyish. Nagash tolerated their existence, and maintained his marriage of convenience with Sigmar, while pursuing all the other gods of death and consuming them.

In his mind, all souls belong to Nagash as the rightful god of Death. Souls are what has granted Nagash his formidable powers and are the resource he uses for his macabre creations and weapons of war.  Aelf-souls are particularly powerful and blaze with potential, but were almost completely consumed by Slaanesh in the End Times.

Nagashizzar is Nagash’s capital, the centre of his power, a foreboding shadow-shrouded necropolis that echoes to the screams of tormented souls.  A fortress city of looming spires and twisting, mist-shrouded alleys populated by the risen dead.  Cathedrals of bone and vast underground mausoleum palaces.  No living creature can approach its walls as it radiates dark magic that would wither flesh in an instant.

Its creation was made possible by the discovery of vast deposits of Shyishan realmstone at the far edge of the Realm of Death – grave-sand, sand-of-time, mortis ash – pure crystalline death (or amethyst) magic.  Nagash directed the construction of colossal inverted pyramids constructed from vitrified grave-sand which float in the skies about Nagashizzar.  These pyramids are beacons for dark energy.

Nagash in the Age of Chaos

Then came the invasion of the Chaos Gods.  Sigmar’s pantheon fractured as its members pursued their own goals – Nagash sought his own power, Gorkamorka revelled in war, Alarielle retreated into the glades of Ghyran, Tyrion treated it with indifference, Malerion sought to subvert it and Grungni retreated into exile believing his people’s hope rested in their own autonomy.  

The Battle of the Burning Skies – Betrayal

Nagash abandoned Sigmar at the Battle of the Burning Skies, where the forces of Chaos won a climactic victory.  The Shyish Arcway is taken by Chaos.

Feeling betrayed, an enraged Sigmar hunted Nagash across Shyish and began the War of Heaven and the Underworlds.  The Great Necromancer proved elusive, however, and the war only served to deplete the strength of both former allies. Sigmar withdrew, his hunt ending in a futile stalemate.

War rages across Shyish

Meanwhile, Archaon had seized the All-Points in Sigmar’s absence. As Sigmar withdrew from Shyish, The Everchosen began pouring his own forces through the All-gate, and so began the War of Bones.

Also known as The Barrow Wars, the conflict fought between Chaos and the Legions of Death raged on for centuries, and the Legions of Nagash were forced back to the deepest underworlds.  

The Everchosen lays low the Great Necromancer

At the gates of Nagashizzar, in the Battle of Black Skies, Archaon the Everchosen cut Nagash down in an eruption of necromantic energy.  His armies collapsed and Nagashizzar was toppled and left a burning ruin.  Only a desperate counter-attack by Nagash’s Mortarchs drove Archaon’s forces back long enough to recover Nagash’s remains.  

The Undead forces retreated to the forgotten underworld of Stygxx.  Nagash’s consciousness was shattered, and it took centuries for him to regenerate his lost powers and physical form.  

Nagash in the Age of Sigmar

When Sigmar’s Tempest swept out from Azyr, Nagash emerged from the Starless Gates and death magic swept across Shyish once more. As his consciousness unfragmented into cogency once more, the Chaos forces in Shyish were dragged down one-by-one by an unending tide of bleached bone and grave-worn steel. In a sense, Nagash is a part of Shyish, and Shyish is part of him, and invading armies like Nurgle’s Knights of the Fly faced a hostile environment that literally haunted their every step. When Nagash’s wandering consciousness, which up to now had been harnessed by his Mortarchs in defence of the land, finally coalesced once more into singular purpose, Shyish fought back in earnest. The eight black-iron keeps around the ruins of Nagashizzar were torn down and the Chaos Lords crucified on the city’s walls to spend eternity in spirit-searing balefire.


Nagash has spurned all requests to join the wider fight against Chaos and instead concentrated on consolidating his plans for Shyish.  He even went so far as to actively sabotage Sigmar’s attempt to regain the All-gate by leaving the Anvils of Heldenhammer to assault it unaided, condemning them to defeat.

Nagash’s agents spread through the Realms

To further his ends, Nagash has dispatched agents across the Mortal Realms searching for clues to the true nature of the Stormcast Eternals, and to investigate reports of other souls disappearing from his grasp.

With Chaos pushed back, the reconstruction of Nagashizzar occurs at pace – millions work to that end.  Neferata and Mannfred have been dispatched to the Prime Innerlands of Shyish on vengeful crusades against Chaos.  Arkhan raises new inverted pyramids using hordes of undead servants to collect grave-sand from Realm’s Edge.  Trails of endless marching ants carrying the precious resource grain by grain.

Now Nagash seeks to claim his revenge by bringing his war to every corner of the Mortal Realms.  The Mortarchs have been unleashed.  

Neferata’s influence widens

Neferata’s blood cults and vampire covens have infiltrated all of Sigmarite society.  The Azyr-born Gestout dynasty in Anvilgard, the Pale Prince of Hammerhal, the Sanguinary Choir of Excelsis.  These intriguers, assassins and spies pave the ways for the Legions of Blood.

Mannfred leaves no survivors

Mannfred’s Legion of Night descend on mortal armies in bloody ambushes.  Wiping out frontier towns and fortified outposts overnight.  Culchasia burns.  Voltisgrad is a skeleton.  The twin fortresses of Crowfeast Peaks are strewn with corpses.  Mannfred has evaded all pursuing Stormcast forces sent to combat him.

Arkhan seeks knowledge to further the masterplan

Arkhan and his favoured Black Disciples seek forbidden knowledge, looting ancient tombs, hidden library cities and arcane reposities.  Armies pour into Ulgu.

With the pieces in motion, Nagash prepares for his intricate and devilishly cunning plan.  The coming moves will see the result of thousands of years of preparation.  Confident of his impending success, Nagash has dispatched spectral Heralds, the Knights of Shrouds, to the inner sanctums of  nations he deems suitable to serve him.  Those that accept are marked with the Nekrosene Mark – a magical brand that ensures their soul is given to Nagash at the end of their days.  Their fate is set to Nagash.

Malign Portents – The Time of Tribulations

A dark solstice has dawned, a season of discontent that has cast its palour over the realms – referred to as the Long Helsnacht or the Hexensendt in Shyish, the Ash-smother in Aqshy or the Glimmerdun in Chamon, or simply the Time of Tribulations across the free cities.

Death waxes ascendant,  The time is coming for Nagash’s final reckoning, an era of vengeance that will remind all traitors and pretenders who truly commands the spirits of the fallen.

Malign Portents

Further Community Coverage

There has been a lot of great coverage of Nagash in the wider Age of Sigmar community.  Some of the best content is linked below.  If I have missed something get in touch and let me know 🙂

The Mortal Realms podcast

  • Episode six – covers Prisoner of the Black Sun, Sands of Blood, Lords of Helstone and Bridge of Seven Sorrows
  • Episode thirteen – covers All-Gates and the finale of the Realmgate Wars

Fjordhammer podcast

Mengel Miniatures’ reviews

Contact – get in touch!

As always you can contact me through this site, AoS Shorts on Facebook, or for the quickest response, on twitter at @antipodean7.  Love to hear from you.


  • Cavatore, A., Johnson, J., King, W. & Pruinen, T. (2006). Liber Necris: The Book of the Dead in the Old World. Black Library, Nottingham.
  • Games Workshop Design Studio. (2014) The End Times – Volume 1: Nagash. Games Workshop, Nottingham.
  • Games Workshop Design Studio. (2014) The End Times – Volume 5: Archaon. Games Workshop, Nottingham.
  • Games Workshop Design Studio. (2016) Grand Alliance: Death. Games Workshop, Nottingham.
  • Games Workshop Design Studio. (2018) Battletome: Legions of Nagash. Games Workshop, Nottingham.
  • Games Workshop Design Studio. (2018) Malign Portents. Games Workshop, Nottingham.
  • Johnson, J. & King, W. (1994). Warhammer Armies: Undead. Games Workshop, Nottingham.
  • Lee, Mike (2008). Nagash the Sorcerer. Black Library, Nottingham.
  • Lee, Mike (2010). Nagash the Unbroken. Black Library, Nottingham.
  • Lee, Mike (2011). Nagash Immortal. Black Library, Nottingham.
  • Reynolds, J. (2014) The Return of Nagash. Black Library, Nottingham.
  • Reynolds, J. (2015) The Lord of the End Times. Black Library, Nottingham.
  • Reynolds, J. (2016) Nagash: The Undying King. Black Library, Nottingham.
  • Reynolds, J. (2016) The Realmgate Wars: Mortarch of Night. Black Library, Nottingham.
  • Werner, C. L. (2016) The Realmgate Wars: Lord of Undeath. Black Library, Nottingham.
  • (2018) Legions of Nagash: Battletome 
  • (2018) Malign Portents


Daughters of Khaine

Just a short post to say that I’ve updated the Daughters of Khaine page on the site to gather all the information on the new release in one place.

You’ll find all the breaking rules information, lore, pictures, videos, & articles (including Chuck Moore’s great piece on Morathi’s background and motivations).  I’ll be adding my own commentary as we go through the week.

I’ll keep updating the site throughout the week with community content (podcasts, previews, videos) etc and have an initial impressions show up for release day.   

If you find any great content out there on Daughters of Khaine, please let me know and I’ll add it to the main page.